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Cats' eyes are for seeing. If a cat didn't have eyes, it would have a difficult time doing this.

Cats cannot see in true darkness. However, they do see rather better in low-light conditions than humans do. One (of several) reasons for this is that they have a reflective layer in their eyes that basically acts as a mirror to send light back through the retina a second time. This is also why their eyes appear to glow in the dark... they're actually reflecting a small portion of the light that comes into their eyes back out again. Normally you don't notice this much, but it's more obvious when their surroundings are dark.

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12y ago

Yes, they are born with lightbulbs in thier head.... Jk! They don't have luminous eyes, but thier eyes are kind of reflective, like they will be "Luminous" if they are reflecting light, kind of like a mirror... Except not.

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no they don't

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Q: What are cats eyes for in the dark?
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Dark brown spots on cats eyes?

it's just the way your cats eyes are

Why are cats eyes used for seeing in the dark?

As a cats eye pupils dilate in the dark, letting in more light, they are very good at seeing in the dark.

Why are cats eyes not really luminous in the dark?

Because there's no light reflecting at the cat's eyes.

What are cats eyes for?

seeing in the dark, to help them find there way around

Do cats see stuff in the dark?

Cats are nocturnal household pets, meaning that against all odds they can see in the dark. There eyes glow at night, causing this.

Is it normal for cats to have dark yellow eyes?

No, it is not normal. It is very uncommon but not unheard of.

What do Cats eyes look like in the dark?

You cannot see cats eyes unless the light catches them, when the light does you will see a glimse of glowing grees. I looks quite spooky when you see my cats.

Why does one of my cats eyes glow and the other one doesn't?

No. In the dark, the eyes of animals, especially animals that are nocturnal, will reflect light and look like they glow. This is the same thing that causes your eyes to "glow" red when someone takes a photo with a flash.

Why do the big cats have eyes that glow in the dark what causes their eyes to glow?

Their eyes aren't glowing but, they are reflecting light which causes them to have the appearance of a glow. The light reflects in this way because cats can see in the dark. They need this ability because they are nocturnal. Cats have amazing night vision and this is because of their pupil shape and the ability of the pupils to dilate so large.

Why do cats eyes go from thin to thick?

A cat's eye is affected by the setting of light.Since cats can see well in the dark, their eyes will dilatate into round pupils.Basically, a eyes react to light in much the same way as a human's. Off, cats can see a lot better in the dark because their pupils dilate more to allow more light into the eye.

Can brown cats have blue eyes?

Brown cats usually come in tabby types. There can be dark brown, which is like a very dark orange, or a pale brown, which is a little like cream color, which is like the normal color of a Siamese cat. The only kind of cat that can have blue eyes are white cats. If there is a white cat with blue eyes, he/she can be blind, deaf or both. Siamese cats can also have blue eyes. Those are the only two breeds that Vicki and I, the vets, know of with blue eyes.

Why do cats eyes glows?

Well... I only had 2 cats in my life time whitch wasn't very long because I am younger then 15 so back to the question! I used to have a male tabby and his eyes glowed in the dark... Then again I had a flash light haha cats eyes glow when it's dark and when you flash a flashlight/any light source at them! Haha I am a huge kitty lover