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Q: What are challenges of community oriented policing?
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What is the Difference between problem oriented policing and community policing?

Problem Oriented Policing is REACTIVE - whereas Community Oriented Policing is PROACTIVE.

What are the 5 eras of policing?

Political Era (1840-1930), Reform Era(1930-1970), Community Oriented Policing Era (1970- Current)

What is questionnaire of community oriented policing?

what does the police department have to with the community if the environment is already perfect.

What is the Community oriented policing system?

Community oriented policing, such as neighborhood watches, can be an effective way to combat crime. Criminals are deterred when the stakes of getting caught are raised.

What is community oriented policing system?

Its a partnership of the police and the community in addressing and solving crime problem.

What is the name of the problem solving process used by law enforcement agencies that have commmunity policing programs?

Community Oriented Policing (COP).

What Era of policing which sought close ties between the police and public officials was called?

epoch policeAdded; Community Oriented Policing

What are some of the impediments to Community Oriented Policing in a diverse ethnic and socio economic community?

Mushrooms taste bad

What operational strategy seeks to reduce chronic offending in the community?

One operational strategy that seeks to reduce chronic offending in the community is community policing. This approach involves building relationships between law enforcement and community members to address underlying issues that contribute to crime. By working collaboratively, law enforcement can better understand community needs and develop tailored interventions to prevent chronic offending.

What is the service style of the policing styles?

A style of policing marked by a concern with helping rather than strict enforcement. Service-oriented police agencies are more likely to use community resources, such as drug treatment programs, to supplement traditional law enforcement activities than are other types of agencies

What is the service style of policing?

A style of policing marked by a concern with helping rather than strict enforcement. Service-oriented police agencies are more likely to use community resource.

What is the definition of problem-oriented policing?

Problem-oriented policing is a policing strategy that focuses on identifying and addressing specific public safety problems within communities through the analysis of underlying causes. It involves collaborating with the community to develop targeted solutions and interventions to prevent and reduce crime and disorder.