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Proteins are made up of amino acids, which always contain an amine group (NH2), a carboxyl group as well (COOH), and a side group that varys from different amino acids.

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Q: What are characteristics of proteins?
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Related questions

What are the genes responsible for the characteristics?

Genes are transcribed to make Proteins

Which characteristics make proteins the most versatile macromolecules in cells in terms of functional capabilities?

Proteins have diverse structures, diverse chemical properties, and flexible shapes.

The plasma membrane has some interesting characteristics. What are they?

it is gel-like composed of proteins, lipids and carbs.

Do all integral proteins look alike?

No, because there are two groups of integral proteins, one being Transmembrane proteins and the other beingIntegral monotopic proteins, with each of these having different features and characteristics making them look different. ---- This website was used as a source

Is it possible to design proteins that have specific characteristics?

theoreticly-yes. but its so difficult no one has been able to do it yet

Of what biological significance is the DNA molecule?

The biological significance of a DNA molecule is that it: 1) Controls the synthesis of proteins (as well as enzymes because they are also proteins). 2) Is responsible for carrying hereditary characteristics.


DNA codes for RNA, which codes for the synthesis (making) of proteins from amino acids. Almost all of our characteristics are in some way related to proteins. For example, one peson's face is distinguishable from another person's face because of their respective proteins. Thus, DNA codes for the proteins that control at least some of our traits.

How do genes determine the characteristics of organisms?

Genes determine the physical characteristics that an organism inherits.

Which statement best describes the relationship among proteins DNA and RNA?

Cells contain DNA,which controls the production of proteins

What are two examples of things proteins help determine about you?

Since all genes are proteins, all of your inherited characteristics are determined by them, like eye and hair color, how tall you are, how light or dark your skin is etrc.

What is liofilisation?

The liofilisation is a method of conservation of products, perfect to preserve active principles characteristics (proteins, enzymes), microorganisms, chemical and natural products.

Why is the molecule DNA important to biological systems?

DNA is the bases for how your body does EVERYTHING. It is the blueprint for creating proteins. Proteins are responsible for almost everything in your body from food digestion to eye color to how your body reacts to diseases and drugs.