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Cheetahs are solo type of animals they don't see any other ones of their species unless it is mating season

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Q: What are cheetahs called when they travel together?
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What is cheetah male called?

A male cheetah is called a male cheetah. Male cheetahs travel together in groups called "coalitions." That's right, a "coalition of cheetahs."

What is a group of cheetah called?

Cheetahs do not normally form groups as do lions. A mother and her cubs may remain together for up to 2 years. Male cheetahs sometimes form loose groups to protect their territory and these are called coalition. However, they are different from a lion's pride.

How fast do cheetahs travel?

Cheetahs can sprint up to 70 miles per hour but only for a short distance. If they need to travel any distance, they are much slower to conserve energy.

What animals travel in pairs?

Cheetahs are known to stay in pairs if they are sister and mother, sisters or brothers. Mother cheetahs will travel with their cubs until they are old enough to survive on their own, and male and female only stay together if they are about to mate, other than that, they stay on their own. Most other animals travel in herds, or on their own.

why do cheetahs travel?

i think that they travel to hunt and to get away from enemies who are in there territories.

What is a female cheetah called?

There is no specific term.Following the form of lion (lioness), tiger (tigress), and leopard (leopardess), it would seem there would be a recognized name such as cheetess, but none has ever stuck. The same applies to the female ocelot, and female domestic cats are seldom called anything but cats or she-cats.There is no name for them, they are simply called "Female cheetah".

Do cheetahs and koala bears live together?

Cheetahs are from Africa and Koalas are from Australia. So in their natural environments they would not live together.

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What are cheetahs spots called?

Spots, dots or maybe even cheetah spots

Do cheetahs depend on groups to survive?

no cheetahs are solitary animals only the cubs of cheetahs live with their mother (not with father) until they reach a certain age some male cheetahs travel on groups especially cheetah brothers

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Why are cheetahs called 'the spotted one'?

cheetahs are called the spotted one because they have spots all over there body