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Cobalt is the chemical constituent of Vitamin B

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Q: What are chemical constituents of vitamins called?
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Constituents of food?

Minerals and vitamins are examples of constituents of food. Some other examples include things such as fats and carbohydrates as well as proteins.

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People in districts represented in congress are called?

the constituents

What phyto-constituents from fruits and seed?

Sugar , lipids , proteins, minerals , vitamins , fiber and water .

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Are vitamins made of cells?

No. Vitamins are not cellular. They are chemical compounds.

Can you separate the air constituents by chemical means or physical means?

you can do both.

What are people from a representative's district called?

The people from a representative's district are called constituents. Constituents are also called voters during an election year. The number of constituents determines the number of representatives allowed per district.

How do you detect the type of plant constituents present in mahogany leaves?

By chemical analysis of the leaf extract one can determine the plant constituents of mahogany.

The organic compounds that serve as helper molecules in many of the body's chemical reactions are called what?

Type your answer here... vitamins

Which two classes are Vitamins placed in?

Vitamins are nutrients that must be obtained in some amount in the human diet. The primary function of a vitamin is to initiate or speed chemical reactions in the body. The 13 vitamins are categorized into two major classes; those that can dissolve in water, called water-soluble vitamins, and those that can dissolve in fat or oil, called fat-soluble vitamins