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Q: What are classes of vertebrates that uses gills and lungs?
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Does a cheetah breath through its lungs or gills?

a cheetah uses lungs

What kind of animals uses lungs and gills to breath?

A lot. Dogs, Cats. Almost all animals have lungs.

How does fish breath with lungs or with fins?

Neither, in general lungs are only good for animals that breath air and fins are used for swimming not breathing. In a water environment, oxygen exchange is accomplished using organs called "gills" and fish have gills.

Do sharks breathe under water?

Kinda-sorta. Sharks are fish, they use gills to get oxygen from the water. So it's a kind of breathing even if there are no lungs involved.

What is a change that occurs during amphibian in metamorphosis?

In the early stages of development, amphibians live in the water they breathe with gills as an adult an amphibian lives on land and uses lungs to breathe.

How octopus breath by lungs or gills or trachea?

The beak-like mouth of an octopus is located on the mantel cavity at the back of the bulbous head of the octopus, surrounded by the eight legs. The mouth is the entryway to the mantle cavity which has gills inside of it. The octopus uses these gills to breathe. Water is brought into the octopus mouth and is then passed through the gills back into the body of water. As the water is pushed over the surface of the gills, oxygen is picked up by the blood in the capillaries of the gills.

What is an animal that uses book lungs?

spiracles?Spiracles are tiny holes on an insects abdomen used for respiration.Arachnids are the class of Arthropods that use book lungs for respiration. Although the class is divided into Pulmonate Arachnids (Contain book lungs) and Apulmonate Arachnids (Lacking book lungs).The horseshoe crab has book gills which evolved into book lungs in other creatures.

why cant we drown are fish?

Fish use their gills to extract oxygen from the water, the same way that a human uses their lungs to extract oxygen from the air. The difference is that gills are supposed to be underwater, so of course water doesn't prevent them from working, and therefore they can't drown.

What is the fish's breathing organ?

Type your answer here... A fish uses gills to breathe its gills filter oxygene out of the water tadpoles have gills aswell.

What does FUG stand for?

Fred Uses Gills.

What does the fish breath with?

All fish breath through their gills, there is oxygen in water, as such, they take the oxygen through their gills.

Does an amphibian live in water?

Yes, because when frogs are tadpoles they need to be able to breath under water so they have gills and when they turn into frogs they still have their gills but they form lungs so they can breath on land.