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Q: What are cobra adaptation's to?
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What is the king cobra three behavioral adaptations?


Does the king cobra have special adaptations to help it eat?

No, they don't

What are the physical adaptations of a spitting cobra?

Normally, any spitting cobra will be able to blind you by spitting their saliva in your eyes.

What are some adaptations of the king cobra snake?

venom to kill prey

What are the adaptations for a king cobra?

Structural adaptations of a king cobra include its forked tongue, hood, size, fang, and color. Each of these helps the snake evade and avoid predators and assists in its hunting.

What are the adaptations of a king cobra.?

Born with razor-sharp teeth to bite through skin!

What are the adaptations of a cobra?

King Cobras have short fangs, but can strike in a highly downward thrust. They can spray a stream of venom as well to blind their enemies. They are really good swimmers, and excellent climbers.

Which cobra is better a 94 cobra or 98 cobra?


What are some species of Cobras?

Some species of Cobra are: * King cobra * Spitting cobra * Burrowing cobra * American cobra or eastern coral snake

What is the largest Cobra on record?

The largest cobra in the world is the king cobra.

What is the name of a hooded snake it has two words for the answer maybe a type of cobra?

Monocled cobra; Adrian spectacled cobra; Spitting cobra; King cobra; Egyptian cobra. They are all hooded and extremely venomous.

Is the king cobra a cobra?

If you go to the zoo, they might negotiate with you, but the king cobra would be very expensive.