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Before someone makes a rude remark, Its where the main controlls of a plane are.

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Q: What are cockpits?
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What is perspex?

A type of thermoplastic which were used in World War 2 for airplane cockpits

What were early airplanes like?

Slow, delicate, open cockpits, and cable controls.

Why don't formula one cars have air con?

Because the bloody cars have open cockpits

Can you take pictures inside a cockpit?

Probably ... depending on where the cockpit is. The cockpit of boats (of a certain type) are generally photographable. Cockpits of common airplanes are generally photographable. Cockpits of high-performance military planes are generally not photographable, as the cockpit's instruments and controls are classified as secret.

How fast can a cockpit airplane fly?

All aircraft have cockpits. The fastest fly around 1,600 mph.

Why did pilots in the Great War wear scarfs?

Their cockpits were open and therefore they used the scarves to ward off the cold wind.

Where was the Mega Voyager cockpit at?

The Mega Voyager cockpit was located in the center of its head. A backdoor led to the cockpits of the other four Zords.

Where is the Wild Force Megazord cockpit?

The Wild Force Megazord cockpit is located in the chest so the cockpits woud be in the Red Lionzord and the Soul Bird.

WHAT IS The place called where the pilot is in an airplane?

Cockpit: The term comes from the cockpits of early aircraft being so small and cramped that the pilots likened them to the holes used for cockfighting.

Where are all of the Megazords' cockpits at in Power Rangers?

The locations of the Megazords' cockpits would include being in the chest of the Dino Megazord and Mighty Morphin' Thunder Megazord, in the head of the Ninja and Shogun Megazords along with the Zeo, Super Zeo and Turbo Megazords, the chest of the Rescue Megazord which was the Lightning Fire Tamer Rescuezord, the head of the Astro Megazord which was in the Astro Megazord Shuttle, the head of the Mega Voyager, the torso of the Wild Force Megazord and Predazord which would be the Red Lion and the Alligator as well as the torso of the Isis Megazord which would be within the Falconzord.