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SO2 = Sulphur dioxide

SO3 = Sulphur trioxide

H2SO3 = Sulphurous acid

H2SO4 = Sulphuric Acid

H2S = Hydrogen sulphide.

CH3CH2SH = Ethanthiol ( The sulphur equivalent of ethanol).

The insulin molecule in the himan organism has a R-S-S-R bridge.

FeS = Iron sulphide.

There are thousands more sulphur (compounds) molecules. . The above is just a selection.

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Q: What are compounds combined with the element sulfur?
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Compounds combined with the element sulfur?


What element is two or more elements or compounds phisically combined?

If there are two or more elements or compounds physically combined, then it can no longer be an element.

Is sulfur oxide an element or a compound?

Sulfur (sulphur) dioxide and sulfur trioxide all are compounds, as ANY oxide is.

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Plutonium as a chemical element don't contain compounds. But plutonium, being reactive, can be combined with many elements: oxygen, hydrogen, halogens, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, silicon, etc.

What element gives skunks their bad smell?

Compounds containing sulfur.

What element does sulfate originate from?

it came from the element called sulfur and then combined with oxygen which results in sulfate.

Sulfur is often found in nature as an element not combined with other elements in a compound. What does this fact tell you about the reactivity of sulfur?

Sulfur is not a highly reactive element under ordinary condition.

Sulfur Is Often Found In Nature As An Element Not Combined With Other Elements In A Compound. What does this facts tell you about the reactivity of sulfur?

Sulfur is not a highly reactive element under ordinary condition.

Is the ease and speed with which an element combined with other element and compounds?

ReactivityThe ease and speed with which an element combines with other elements and compounds is called the "reactivity" of the element.

Is an element a compound?

no, but compounds are made of elements chemically combined.

Why is sulfur an element and not a compound?

Sulfur is an element because it contains only one type of molecule. Whereas, compounds have more than one type of molecule.

Is an element composed of atoms of two or more compounds chemically combined?

Compounds are composed from elements.