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the stomach hold an acid which is very acidic

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Q: What are conditions like in the stomach?
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Why does the stomach contain HCl?

HCl lowers the pH in the stomach and provides the acidic conditions for the digestive enzymes in the stomach to work effectively.

How can you destroy pepsin in stomach?

Make the conditions of the stomach alkaline so that the pH is not conducive to the functioning of pepsin

What is hypochlorhydria?

medical conditions that.decrease stomach acid (hypochlorhydria)

What bacteria can survive the acidic conditions of the stomach?

Helicobacter Pylori

What conditions are treated by gastrectomy?

stomach cancer bleeding gastric ulcer perforation of the stomach wall noncancerous polyps

How can the stomach wall be damaged?

The stomach wall can be damaged by factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), infections (such as H. pylori), ulcers, or excessive stomach acid production. This damage can lead to conditions like gastritis, peptic ulcers, or even perforation of the stomach wall in severe cases.

What does gastricalgia mean?

Gastricalgia refers to stomach pain or discomfort, often associated with conditions like gastritis, ulcers, or indigestion. It can present as a sharp or dull ache in the upper abdomen and may be accompanied by other symptoms like bloating, nausea, or heartburn. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

What does psoriasis on your stomach look like?

you cant have it on your stomach

In what way is a baloon like a stomach?

Your stomach is like a baloon in the way that it expands with air in it.

What is your stomach shaped like?

Your stomach is shaped like a bean.

Does the pyloric valve prevent the conditions stomach from moving back up into the esophagus?


Which enzyme works best in alkaline conditions?

Pepsin in the stomach