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Q: What are control factors in an experiment?
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Why an experiment must have control?

An experiment must have a control to show what would happen if no factors were changed.

What is a expiriment?

Where you control the variable factors that involve conducting the experiment.

What are limitations in experiments?

Limitations are factors that you cannot control in an experiment, no matter what you do.

What is controlled expiriement?

Where you control the variable factors that involve conducting the experiment.

What is the factors in an experiment that remain the same so that the dependent variable can be measured?

the control

In a controlled experiment what term is used to describe the many factors that might be different between the experiment and control groups?


It is important to control variables in an experiment because?

in an experiment cantrolling variable is important as it helps to identify the limiting factors are present in the experiment, and also factor that do not necessarily affect the experiment.

What is the use of a control group in an experiment?

A control group is must for every new experiment or uncommon experiment. Because when an experiment is being done anything unexpected could happen and to control the hazard a control group should be ready everytime. Otherwise it can be very dangerous for the experiment holders. to help you conclude that no uncontrolled factors significantly influenced your results

What is meant by a controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment is one in which a control group is closely monitored. In this way, the experiment can be much more accurate as more factors are accounted for.

Why is it inportant to control variables in a experiment?

Because if you have any unknown factors you wont know how the experiment will react in any given situation.

What are the factors in a controlled experiment called?

control group and placebo group variable and controlled

In an experiment l is the control variable m is the response variable and n and p are the extraneous factors. The specific units of are referred to as the treatments of the experiment?

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