

What are corresponding segments?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What are corresponding segments?
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What is true about corresponding line segments of an object that has been rotated 180 degrees about the origin?

The line segments will have been rotated by 180 degrees.

What is the exchange of corresponding segments of DNA called?

It would appear you are speaking of crossing over which takes place in Prophase I of meiosis.

In meiosis what is crossing over?

Crossing over is the exchange of corresponding segments of DNA molecules by nonsister chromotids.

In similar triangles corresponding What is are congruent and corresponding?

For segments or angles, "congruent" means that they have the same measure.For more complicated figures, such as triangles, "congruent" means that all corresponding sides and angles are congruent. "Corresponding" means that you make an assignment, from angles and sides of one triangle, to angles and sides of the other triangle. For example, you might label the sides of one triangle a1, b1, c1, and the sides of other triangle a2, b2, c2 - and you consider the "a" sides to be "corresponding".

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Segments of equal length are congruent segments.

What are congruent segments?

congruent segments are the same segments.

What does a standard robotic arm consists of?

A standard robotic arm will consists of seven metal segments and six appendages, which includes a 'shoulder', 'elbow' and 'wrist'. It has six degrees of freedom corresponding to the three appendages.

What is the meaning of the congruent?

For line segments, or angles, it means they have the same measure. For more complicated geometric shapes, for example triangles, quadrilaterals, etc., it means that all corresponding sides and angles have the same measures.

Segments that have the same length?

The answer to, "Segments that have the same length" Is Congruent Segments!

What is segments with the same length?

The answer depends on what they are segments of: the answer will be different depending on whether they are line segments or segments of a circle or even different circles.

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What is the number of segments for a spider?

They have two body segments and four leg segments.