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For English names, Laos and the Comoros (island country, officially The Union of the Comoros), and the British Overseas Territory name "Turks and Caicos" (Caribbean islands).

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Q: What are countries ending with the letters OS?
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Countries ending with IA include: Bolivia India Namibia Latvia Bosnia Malaysia Indonesia Austria Australia Syria Serbia Somalia

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Some plural nouns that end with 'os' are:avocadosbanjosbarriosbongosechosegosflamingosghettosgigoloshaloshobosJellokangaroolassologosnachospatiosphotospianospiccolosradiosrhinossolosstudiostacostattoostriosvideoszeroszoos

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The country names Bahrain (west Asia) and Benin (Africa) end in IN.

What do the letters OS stand for on your jewelry?

It means shortcut.

What words begin with os?

Oscillate, osmosis, ostensive, osteopath and ostracize are words. They begin with the letters OS.

What are countries ending with the letters CO?

For English names, the country Mexico and Morocco and the principality (city-state) of Monaco.

In spanish what are most nouns ending in o and OS?

In Spanish, most nouns ending in "o" are masculine and singular, while most nouns ending in "os" are masculine and plural. For example, "libro" (book) is singular and "libros" (books) is plural. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to this rule, so it's always best to check the gender and number of each noun individually.