

What are culumus?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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11y ago

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Culumus is a scientific word for a humongous cloud, usually the top bigger than the base.It is obviously found on sunny weathers.(Obviously found, not DEFINITELY found.Since its a large cloud, it can appear on showers. This does NOT mean the showers people take both at morning or night.)

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Why are clouds blue?

clouds are blue, they are blue occasionally on a storm. Clouds are white for the most part, however they are usually grey when it rains and are occasionally blue and black when it rains out and occasionally white when it rains, but certain grey clouds known as altoculumus also are grey but don't produce rain; so technically it can't rain but you still see grey clouds sometimes black clouds don't produce rain or blue but this is rare, blue rain clouds are called culumus fractus, and culumus fractus produce rain. black clouds are called: Cumulonimbus during a storm and mostly produce lightning/thunder. Clouds can be seen as white because rain droplets form in the skies and with excessive drops form clouds, this has nothing to do with the suns light, the sun produces heat and doesn't form light, water droplets form light. Light has multiple colors involved, the colors are not that of the rainbow and also it's not white. White is a neutral party in rain storms, you will often see the sky turning grey, or occasionally blue/black. The sky is not made up of the rainbow rather, it's made up of a variety of colors, black, grey and white.

What kind of cloud is usually grey in color?

They appear grey because of excessive radiant heat build-up, when heat gets trapped under the sun (the sun's reflection; which produces heat), they then turn grey, the heat radiants form, the sun forms these clouds. At first they may appear as blue clouds but they eventually turn grey, sometimes though they are grey, if a grey cloud is shined through by the sun meaning light passes, the cloud turns blue. Heat radiated clouds, meaning heat buildup from the sun cause different clouds to form, grey clouds can be grey but in the first stage they are blue, sometimes buildup is excessive and you don't see the blue buildup, from above grey clouds may appear blue if it's all grey, but sometimes white are on top of grey clouds. There are three clouds that distinct them from other clouds, grey clouds also sometimes don't produce rain and have short wavelengths thus vanishing themselves. Grey clouds are clouds formed, there are three clouds that form, blue clouds (grey clouds) heat radiated culumus fractus, black clouds (heat radiated clouds formed with different pH water droplets), lastly there are red clouds (scarce); these form because of different explosions one may coin a sun explosion causes these. Grey clouds don't form from white clouds, white clouds are sometimes on top of grey clouds. Black, grey (blue) and red are distinct clouds; no cloud is alike. Also the sky is blue, grey is not apart of the rainbow as on ceases to know, the sun generates heat, what happens when an explosion happens grey or black skies form that is the same with clouds, heat creates these clouds, the suns heat. The main suns reflection along with it's other reflections form these clouds. The suns heat gets trapped in the upper atmosphere thus forming grey clouds. That is why you sometimes see separate build-up's from these clouds. Please excuse my writing also. Hope I help.