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Organic foods are present out of season just like conventional foods. The only difference is that they weren't grown using toxic chemicals. This protects you and the environment.

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Q: What are customers supposed to buy when the organic food they want isn't in season?
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Why organic manure better than fertilisers?

Organic food is better because non-organic food is sprayed with chemicals to help foodstuffs stay in season even though synthetic sprays are hazardous for people.

Does food have to be organic to be considered healthy?

Food does not have to be organic to be considered healthy. Other factors can matter more, such as season and shipping disance (freshness.) Organics can be healther because they contain less harmful chemicals, but that does not mean non-organic foods are unhealthy. No,food does not have to be organic in order to be healthy. The term organic more often refers to how the food is produced.

How you can save money buying organic food?

Best way to save money when buying organic ingredients is by buying foods that are in season. Other option is to grow your vegetables at home and or look for coupons in supermarkets that sell organic food.

Jobs for Pre-Teens That Involve Food?

An organic garden and a roadside or curbside stand, or even a sign, will attract regular, repeat customers.

Does organic food not last as long as non organic food?

Unless non-organic food contains preservatives, organic food should last as long as non-organic.

Organic food delivery service?

Start a subscription-based service that delivers fresh, locally sourced organic produce and grocery items to customers' doorsteps, promoting healthy living and supporting local farmers.

Why is organic food organic?

Organic food is organic because it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, if the organic food is processed, it does not have additives and preservatives that are not organic. It is non-GMO.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

Why do most people chose not to eat organic food?

Most often, people chose not to eat organic food because organic food costs more than non-organic food.

Can you get diseases by eating organic food?

Yes, just like non-organic food, if organic food becomes contaminated you can get a disease from it.

Does organic food cause autism?

No, organic food does not cause autism.

Why you have non organic food in the supermarkets?

Supermarkets have non-organic food because people buy it and most of the food grown is non-organic.