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Q: What are deep curents driven by?
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What causes deep curents?

Deep currents are caused partially by wind and the Coriolis effect and the other part is caused by the density change in water.

What hardships did the crew undergo?

the weather and the curents

How does a sea anemone support itself?

The water curents and the rock it is on

What caused circulations in deep water?

The movement of deep water in the ocean basins is by density driven forces and gravity.

How deep are residential piles driven?

ruffly around 50 meters

Are wind-driven currents near the surface or in the deep waters?


Are wind-driven currents found near the surface of the ocean or in the deep waters of oceans?


What do you call deep ocean circulation driven largely by variations in water temperature and salinity?


What are surface curents?

ocean currents that lead away from the equator. Examples: Gulf Stream and Brazil Current

What happened to the Indians during manifest destiny?

The indians were seen as obstacles and they were gathered and driven from their homelands. For example, the Cherokees and Chawktaws were driven from the deep south to Oklahoma on what became known as "the trail of tears."

How can a volcano erupt in Iceland when Iceland is not hot?

Volcanoes are driven by forces deep within the earth. These forces are not affected by climate.

What are aboiotic factors?

obiotic factors e.g. light, tempretures, minerals, pH, curents e.c. thing that are important to the hbbitat that you are looking at.