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The Nyiri Desert, also called The Nyika, or Tarudesert, desert, is located in south-central Kenya.

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Q: What are deserts like in Kenya?
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What deserts are there in Kenya?

Kenya has some semi-ard land but no true deserts.

Does Kenya have mountains or deserts?

Kenya has the Nyiri Desert as well as mountains. Mount Kenya is the second highest mountain in Africa.

What are Kenya's biomes?

Kenya includes savannas, grasslands, plains, and even some mountain ranges such as the stratovolcano in Kenya, Mount Kenya. Mount Kenya is a stratovolcano, hence it is dormant and is not active and won't erupt anytime soon according to research.

How do you to put Kenya in a sentence?

As Kenya is a place, you could say things like 'I went to Kenya' or 'I am going to Kenya' etc

When was Dreams Like Deserts created?

Dreams Like Deserts was created in 1995.

What are the deserts like?

the deserts are like a sandy living and a cactus grown as part of a desert community

When was Like the Deserts Miss the Rain created?

Like the Deserts Miss the Rain was created in 2003.

How many tigers are left in Kenya?

A diverse geographical presence has spelt a diverse ecology for the country. The Indian Ocean coast, western rainforests, northern deserts, grasslands, etc, all are home to different breeds and species of animals in Kenya.

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Europe does not have any deserts. It is too far north of the equator to have the level of heat to create deserts. There are hot and dry places, but no deserts.

What jobs are in Kenya?

Kenya's jobs include things like farming and mining.

What is Kenya's shape?

Its about like a square but has a point on the top

Are there deserts in Switzerland?

Like the rest of Europe, there are no deserts in Switzerland