

What are diamond used in?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Diamonds are used in jewelry and other decorative items such as crowns. Smaller diamonds are used in abrasives and crystal cutting tools.

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13y ago

Diamonds are used in industry and in jewelry.

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Diamond mines are used for mining diamonds.

What is the mineral diamond used for?

Diamond is used for gemstones, abrasives, and saw blades.

How used raw material in rough diamond to polish diamond?

Diamond dust-coated sheets are used to polish diamonds.

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Only diamond can scratch diamond.

Why diamond is used for cutting?

Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring material, making it ideal for cutting tough materials like steel and concrete. Its hardness allows for efficient and precise cutting, with minimal wear and tear on the cutting tool. Diamond cutting tools are also known for their longevity and ability to maintain sharp edges even after prolonged use.

What is pink diamonds used for?

A pink diamond is a fancy-coloured diamond, generally used for adornment in jewelery.

Can you cut a diamond using other diamond?

Yes. Diamond encrusted blades and diamond powders are used in the cutting and polishing process.

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Diamond dust is used to polish diamonds.

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Is the term diamond used in baseball?

Yes it is. They sometimes call the field 'the baseball diamond' but other than that its not used.

Is a half carat diamond still a real diamond?

Half carat is the term used to measure the weight of the real diamond. A diamond's weight does not define or detract from the fact that the diamond is or is not a real diamond.

A blood diamond is a term used to describe a diamond?

It is a term used to describe a diamond that was mined in a war zone and used to finance war activities. These diamonds are typically mined in unstable regions of Africa.