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De jure recognition is the formal act of one state recognising another via a statement most often voted on by the assembly or congres, while a de facto recognition is a recognition of one state of another via conduct such as opening an embassy, the head of satate of the first country visiting the country being recognised (official delegation), making formal contracts and agreements but not through drafting a resolution in which the recognition is announced. It is best for students.

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De facto recognition is when a state is acknowledged as existing in reality, even if it may not have official diplomatic recognition. De jure recognition is when a state is officially recognized by other states according to international law. Ultimately, de jure recognition holds more weight in terms of legitimacy and acceptance in the international community.

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Q: What are differences between defacto and dejure recognition of state?
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De Jure that means by law but not by practice

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What are the four kinds of sovereignty and the definition of each kind?

1.) Legal sovereignty - is the authority which has the power to issue final commands. This is the supreme law making power. 2) Political sovereignty - is the power behind the legal sovereign, or the sum of the influences that operate upon it. This is legally unknown, unorganized and incapable of expressing the will of the state in the form of legal command. But it is this will that must ultimately prevail in the State. In a narrower sense, the electorate constitutes the political sovereign, and in a broader sense, the whole mass of population. 3) Internal sovereignty - refers to the power of the State to control its domestic affairs. It empowers the State to make and alter its system of government, and to regulate its private affairs, as well as the rights and relations of its citizens, without any dictation, interference, or control on the part of any person or body or State outside the particular political community. 4) External sovereignty - is the power of the State to direct its relations with other States. With this, the State is not subject to the control, dictation, or government of any other power. It implies the right and power to receive recognition as an independent power from other powers, and to make treaties with them on equal terms, make war or peace with them, send diplomatic agents to them, acquire territory by conquest or occupation, and otherwise to manifest the freedom and autonomy. (Suarez, 2005) This is also known as independence.

What is dejure sovereignty?

De jure sovereignty refers to the legal or rightful authority of a government over a particular territory or population. It is based on recognized legal norms and principles, giving a government the legitimate power to govern within its borders. This contrasts with de facto sovereignty, which refers to actual control or power over a territory, regardless of legal recognition.

Is the Moorish Science Temple of America a National Government?

No. It is a Lawfully chartered and incorporated organization duly incorporated under the powers of the State. No dejure Free National Government on earth is an Organization. Nations are never Organizations. Organizations/Religious Corporations receive their power to exist by virtue of Government ONLY through a CHARTER. Governments protect CITIZENS while Organizations have MEMBERSHIP. True Sovereignty comes from the Free National Standards, Principles and Power of a Nation of People. Many members of the Moorish Science Temple of America believe that the said organization is the Free National Government for the Moorish Americans due to the language of the Divine Constitution as originally written by Drew Ali in 1927. What they failed to acknowledge was two statements Drew Ali made: " I have come for the 3rd and 4rth Generations " and " Out from your Sunday School comes the guiders of the NATION. " The MSTA is a School ONLY.

In what year did canada became a country?

July 1 , 1867Before that, the land Canada was named Canada after the Iroquois word 'kanata' or village, when in the 16th century Jacques Cartier's party from France took the word to mean the land at which they had arrived. A colony named Canada was established in 1534 as one of 5 colonies of New France.Upper Canada and Lower Canada were established as British colonies in 1791. These were combined into the Province of Canada in 1841 with the 1840 Act of Union.Canada became a dominion country (more like Kingdom under British rule) in 1867, as shown on top. This meant, whatever laws were passed in England were also passed in Canada and British politics stretched over the Atlantic. But Canada really became a dependent country, years later after the first and second world wars, in 1982. This meant a sense of freedom in the wind; British laws and politics and basically everything had no effect whatsoever in Canada and this went into immediate affect.And the Canada Act was proved when our small 12 million strong country proved magnificent strength in the two great wars, by aiding the mother land (in other words, Great Britain) while the U.S took it's sweet time on whether or not it should join the war and help destroy the Axispowers.

Six letter words ending in e?

serrae, calque, bemuse, rebuke, quoque, lexeme, simile, ideate, iolite, umbrae, pesade, triune, unique, resume, potage, luxate, stance, hoagie, tongue, waggle, revive, folkie, danube, narine, keyage, toddle, adduce, loathe, enisle, zonate, fiefee, untrue, purine, purfle, blouse, gauche, seethe, solace, cymose, decare, carafe, oblige, inhere, pinkie, tenere, ennage, coyote, coolie, enlace, lysate, fatale, subdue, serine, battle, folate, osmate, change, tinkle, unease, gaulle, flense, sponge, cheque, rattle, palate, arable, futile, lavage, dibase, averse, bireme, octave, unciae, beetle, vadose, summae, pedate, argyle, towhee, fizzle, doodle, beagle, invoke, inhume, teethe, absque, revise, chigoe, rugate, nature, rediae, refuse, bodgie, pounce, sphere, demise, visage, usance, orpine, tibiae, derate, indene, rewoke, steppe, sombre, tusche, sedate, capite, dongle, vivace, ferule, lucite, undate, redone, virtue, piddle, muffle, debbie, diploe, baddie, pierre, clique, ramose, income, turtle, depute, nestle, adnate, toneme, endive, repute, agnate, unwise, goorie, measle, lunare, rewove, douche, resole, psyche, escape, grease, goethe, sparse, locule, usurae, suture, octane, mingle, noddle, boggle, tubage, fiddle, demure, semite, immure, arouse, mosque, toffee, raffle, drawee, vendue, culpae, nobile, league, puisne, adjure, coatee, grudge, fridge, paddle, emerge, excite, tenore, splake, pommie, camise, evzone, jingle, boride, claque, enfete, bygone, gyrose, choice, evolve, palace, baffle, petite, kibble, pilate, exhume, optate, nubile, extine, judice, kookie, honkie, eocene, heckle, injure, luteae, ensure, cohere, empire, coerce, broome, betide, disuse, phoebe, reduce, mottle, refuge, ethane, gunite, triene, ophite, intake, krause, imiate, unripe, birdie, marble, velate, roadie, beside, rumble, serene, unrate, creole, prance, caudae, ermine, terrae, forage, allele, parure, rebore, incase, usable, raddle, toupee, deluxe, razzle, astute, gangue, unlive, charge, couple, mirage, joggle, teepee, cayuse, venite, sphene, dative, tousle, bubble, browse, humane, boulle, polite, nuance, soiree, warble, manque, dilate, ravage, enface, hermae, simple, ligule, pumice, notate, gidgee, reglue, ecurie, efface, portae, impale, unname, became, doable, octose, puttee, nuchae, oblate, boucle, manage, shrine, rutile, guttae, ablaze, bridge, wrasse, burgee, laddie, buckle, ureide, dicere, locale, pupate, urbane, zygote, scarce, glisse, onside, acoine, mature, squame, ullage, jostle, dartle, cowage, colure, inhale, ligate, dapple, cootie, secure, ashame, native, rescue, boccie, pursue, kindle, rugose, stelae, rubble, hoodie, incite, nozzle, marque, menace, corrie, curine, laesae, zonule, repone, alpine, thence, throve, bruise, ampere, fixate, jocose, diddle, remade, tissue, homage, flange, shrove, lessee, source, armure, pomace, nettle, pyrone, unnote, towage, active, pebble, invade, future, pyrene, renege, encage, begone, encode, tippee, striae, cetane, gillie, sconce, entice, tzetze, spathe, tweeze, dnaase, rundle, morgue, specie, clause, ribose, yippie, commie, praise, repine, jiggle, sledge, thorpe, frieze, whence, babble, mettle, affine, juggle, jujube, corbie, junkie, treppe, eatage, reshoe, voyage, scouse, madame, ramble, obtuse, bludge, iodise, snathe, berate, pattee, girdle, huddle, splice, attune, liaise, ionise, bernie, rumple, curdle, hassle, urease, senile, peddle, ignite, jinnee, macule, plaque, ferine, spruce, penile, silene, pulque, causae, incise, lanose, deface, squire, levine, purple, somite, unsave, venule, illude, chance, tassie, uptake, retype, gympie, novice, comose, inside, immune, chaste, chelae, sopite, debtee, tingle, hamite, police, ranine, equate, sludge, clarke, deluge, salpae, expose, throne, dilute, trance, mutate, epopee, beaune, lupine, gamone, fiance, veloce, ansate, primae, nonuse, savage, haidee, jugate, fleece, tenure, rename, cinque, sellae, strove, tittle, untame, plisse, wharve, reside, unbake, magnae, tubule, blende, dibble, ennuye, volute, dormie, gemmae, blithe, shiite, arrive, gavage, lamaze, lanate, estate, doline, unable, bourse, foible, larine, rezone, budgie, gaggle, icicle, bundle, sallee, ensile, rasure, equine, cirque, remote, twinge, woulfe, sizzle, jaycee, grilse, hurdle, burgle, office, muzzle, cackle, flaxse, touche, siecle, incuse, volvae, encore, module, ablate, derive, engine, unsafe, gelose, linage, refine, feline, boodie, greece, bessie, noodle, tipple, curiae, ecarte, gratae, cowrie, pierce, hoorne, soigne, girlie, divide, larvae, supple, legume, saddle, vacate, avenge, decode, jackle, faddle, cerise, rapine, trompe, opiate, aviate, overfe, serape, donate, undine, revile, effete, covine, avenue, scrape, valvae, guddle, halite, dotage, giftie, lassie, insole, trifle, ratine, sloane, rathke, accrue, handle, cattle, indite, unyoke, tackle, parsee, sendee, garble, walkie, single, kirtle, quaere, gurgle, unglue, defame, strife, tangle, bangle, hyphae, wimble, allude, diedre, unmade, perdue, chrome, docile, clavae, define, guerre, outbye, france, abjure, strake, pestle, scythe, peewee, stable, induce, peruse, quinze, demote, plaice, pledge, strafe, bovine, mammae, apogee, unfaze, appose, hustle, foveae, doggie, boogie, inmate, atpase, seduce, sprite, engage, resale, ravine, prague, betise, maggie, achene, cradle, sponte, ootype, shrike, saline, spurge, caique, bootle, groyne, scathe, sciage, carate, cavite, passee, belove, depose, fruste, fondle, decade, connie, nipple, quinne, jungle, foodie, sobole, sewage, hexane, relate, tootle, aspire, infuse, popeye, ordure, please, crosse, cajole, rewire, creese, manege, pawnee, emigre, oracle, retire, solute, spinae, dandle, severe, creche, karate, jounce, burble, faunae, rootle, enzyme, heaume, exhale, gentle, uprise, lobate, agnise, facade, popple, cleave, bootee, sapele, accede, satire, sozzle, haggle, horace, toggle, groove, grouse, troche, genome, lounge, arcane, uvulae, oocyte, vestee, relive, fettle, hankie, gamble, huckle, risque, trudge, gelate, novate, ethyne, triple, soothe, bauble, cloche, vendee, brogue, morale, oriole, bisque, advise, aortae, rouche, allose, imbibe, fickle, fusile, hobble, recede, deckle, nigrae, oxhide, ketose, hoarse, pinite, motive, stodge, nowise, nubble, unlove, otiose, nomine, stante, recite, tenace, mangle, sautee, allure, strode, croute, delate, louche, yaffle, basque, curare, alcove, canine, chasse, pimple, elaine, ursine, valise, viable, pavane, xylene, jackie, bawbee, awhile, bottle, alkene, footle, outate, square, tacite, agrafe, parage, ripple, tsetse, frappe, bounce, sample, collie, tumble, breeze, kiekie, revere, heddle, seiche, impose, fledge, wheeze, borate, treble, chypre, bribee, ornate, goitre, assize, embrue, morose, repave, pyrite, bobble, grippe, coulee, ligure, caudle, impute, yippee, create, fimble, malice, secede, europe, raceme, ruddle, writhe, beware, debate, supine, flambe, bailie, nibble, quiche, froude, settle, sortie, guzzle, freeze, signee, timbre, torque, alkane, choose, staple, remise, lyrate, mallee, bursae, apache, regime, altere, entire, repose, candle, pilule, wangle, hombre, forele, plunge, giggle, behave, evince, lychee, testae, middle, faerie, nodule, outage, remake, barbae, fuddle, decoke, vulvae, decree, pelage, debase, limine, twelve, salute, fumble, votive, widgie, wahine, falsie, felloe, iodine, female, attire, endure, joanne, sasine, wattle, torose, demode, dipole, assure, insure, wimple, theine, eluate, grande, regale, tiptoe, bodice, pelite, rehire, triage, colore, peruke, dangle, dosage, uprose, yuppie, seance, people, spouse, crenae, kekule, thrice, impure, bumble, devote, devise, filose, hexone, rankle, rouble, cringe, pirate, recuse, gulose, eugene, iodate, d'etre, parole, clothe, radome, triose, muddle, snooze, abrade, tussle, rustle, nodose, blonde, claude, barite, habere, goggle, sneeze, dazzle, indole, ketone, menage, smudge, scribe, crocke, liable, intone, stroke, delude, strobe, foozle, expire, capote, bailee, winkle, mascle, nonage, oeuvre, caddie, stride, needle, nuzzle, mackle, yankee, insane, bistre, cuttle, silage, coarse, finale, sickle, stymie, gobble, update, invite, forbye, eosine, starve, cubage, optive, belike, vittae, auntie, suckle, refile, shrive, impede, ruckle, amende, decile, waddle, degage, cheese, sempre, cobble, tierce, parade, myrtle, pintle, oolite, plague, amerce, legale, arcade, galore, d'hote, circle, greave, curate, oreide, terete, lineae, cerate, helene, lysine, uprate, figure, dengue, ephebe, unlace, before, jumble, bargee, fiacre, svelte, excise, opaque, teasle, unfeue, phrase, bougie, pennae, grieve, famine, orange, uncure, accuse, drowse, maigre, untime, kelpie, spline, reline, louise, verite, faille, aussie, malate, cockle, manure, tuyere, jurare, subbre, taxeme, innate, meddle, gyrate, reface, semble, acrose, dredge, lunate, alsace, humate, sluice, zouave, coffee, fossae, locate, gramme, hydrae, refute, bienne, hippie, tamale, entrée, chouse, divine, bemire, ignore, piffle, revoke, annexe, bronze, tickle, settee, pizzle, halide, iodide, cellae, rimose, ocreae, deduce, hurtle, ectype, rhaphe, stifle, marine, upside, nobble, swathe, aerobe, denude, minute, elapse, dimple, defuze, unwove, gestae, borage, hexade, masque, pomade, tattle, dejure, virile, arrhae, unlike, imbrue, unmake, recipe, fierce, fondue, doddle, oscine, langue, barque, allege, dingle, quince, fuyuge, magpie, stripe, senate, fraise, velure, potpie, canape, betake, you're, strike, venose, florae, wiggle, unpile, kiltie, anlage, crease, pavage, valine, feeble, ionize, lierne, wobble, cupule, suable, unfree, compte, jeanne, lienee, cliche, volume, cymbae, scopae, bushie, thalwe, topple, avulse, remove, thecae, enrobe, aldose, pouffe, pongee, corpse, biggie, quatre, rewake, racine, coffle, hogtie, kittle, encase, venire, grille, alkyne, troupe, niggle, advice, temple, fescue, dawdle, duffle, tisane, effuse, beadle, strive, mobile, ohmage, urinae, bungle, swinge, sundae, wopsle, spicae, edible, ukiyoe, lustre, unfade, dabble, retuse, louvre, broche, drogue, oppose, plumie, adeste, assume, duckie, zymase, puzzle, furore, sheave, dandie, triode, misuse, facile, inwove, intine, you've, arrame, gargle, kettle, hoopoe, griffe, euchre, sleave, alkide, plicae, poodle, bookie, ketene, sesame, excuse, dottle, negate, hamate, decide, undone, sememe, retake, kiddle, retene, device, savate, apiece, bridle, coddle, humble, boodle, lyttae, kinase, uncare, cruise, krabbe, glance, littre, chaise, socage, cosine, samite, prince, depone, defile, setose, ashore, galeae, levite, garage, papule, audile, legate, oroide, venice, castle, osmose, labile, aerate, lobule, statue, bustle, fucose, tremie, kishke, muscle, gamine, iodize, fringe, embole, ceruse, subtle, mediae, shelve, cuddle, scheme, enrage, normae, pickle, jayvee, scalae, adhere, unmove, goodie, tyrode, defuse, byline, bootie, nemine, softie, xylose, swerve, maitre, rebate, mashie, anomie, degree, bocage, finite, hexose, peyote, drudge, puddle, refire, lipase, lunule, capone, riffle, rnaase, pilose, desire, guimpe, admire, aflame, dynode, steeve, nimble, deride, talkie, pinnae, enable, hackle, farsee, little, kiddie, jejune, piaffe, rotate, grange, beanie, pyrope, thrive, rabble, cheyne, nutate, remere, resile, hubble, lipide, gamete, pinene, delete, casque, bullae, gourde, ampule, unpave, tirade, umpire, zombie, fottle, reggae, thieve, sleeve, stooge, ratite, blunge, notice, become, ionone, fleche, waffle, entree, unsure, goalie, conine, daphne, goatee, riddle, ethene, denote, mantle, sookie, braise, centre, iturve, behove, jugale, meagre, dearie, mumble, ligase, suttee, course, resite, double, piazze, oleate, dragee, lahore, costae, george, cookie, butane, rookie, abduce, hearse, townee, chicle, damage, jangle, cantle, higgle, gabble, anyone, pipage