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Q: What are different types of theocracy?
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What are 5 different political structures or leadership types?

Democracy: a system where the people have the power to elect their leaders and participate in decision-making processes. Monarchy: a form of government where a single ruler, usually a king or queen, holds power and inherits the position through their family lineage. Oligarchy: a system where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of individuals or a specific social class. Dictatorship: a system where power is held by a single leader who often wields authority without constraints such as elections or checks and balances. Theocracy: a government system where religious leaders or institutions hold political power and govern based on religious principles.

What makes political different from democracy?

Some other types of political ideology are; Dictatorship Monarchy Communism Fascism Theocracy Aristocracy

What types of government has Afghanistan had?

A Monarchy, a Communist State, a republic and a theocracy.

What are the three types of leadership in an oligarchy?

theocracy, aristocracy and laucracy :D

How was a theocracy different from a government run by warrior - kings?

A theocracy is a religion based government.

What types of governments are currently in power?

Dictatorship Totalitarian Theocracy Monarchy Parliamentary

What word meaning 'to rule' ends with '-crac'?

a word for crac Many words for different types of governments use the suffix "-cracy". These include democracy, theocracy, autocracy, etc.

What are some types of governments?

some governments are democracy, republic, monarchy, anarchy,& a theocracy.

Why can a theocracy never be a democracy?

A theocracy is run by a ruling elite of a single religion. One modern day example is Iran. It is impossible to have a true democracy in a theocracy because the people are not allowed to vote someone into office from a different religion.

What is the antonym for theocracy?

There is no antonym for theocracy.

Which of the following best explains how a theocracy and an absolute monarchy are different?

Answer this que A theocracy uses religious beliefs as a basis for laws, whereas an absolute monarchy may have nonreligious laws. stion…

What are some disadvantages of a theocracy?

Disatvantages to a Theocracy