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It's slacking off all the time rather than being an actual database.

Ans2:You sure you don't mean "Relational database"?
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Q: What are disadvantages of recreational database?
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Paper-based databases are prone to errors due to manual data entry and can be easily lost or damaged. They are also difficult to scale and not as efficient as digital databases for searching and sharing information. Additionally, paper-based databases require physical storage space and are not environmentally friendly.

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Disadvantages of Hierarchical database model?

Some disadvantages of the hierarchical database model include complexity in representing certain types of relationships, limited flexibility in querying data due to its rigid structure, and potential data redundancy issues as each child can only have one parent record.

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Disadvantages of database migration can include potential data loss or corruption during the migration process, extended downtime for applications relying on the database being migrated, and compatibility issues with the new database system leading to performance degradation. Planning and testing are crucial to mitigate these risks.

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Some disadvantages of using a database management system in school include the initial cost of implementation, potential system complexities that may require specialized training, and the need for ongoing maintenance to ensure system efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, there can be issues related to data security and privacy concerns if not properly managed.

Disadvantages of relational database model?

Lack of scalability: Relational databases can struggle with scalability as the data grows in size and complexity. Performance issues: Join operations and complex queries can lead to slower performance in relational databases. Data redundancy: Normalization in relational databases can result in storing data in multiple tables, leading to redundancy and inefficiency.

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Advantages of relational data model include data integrity through normalization, flexibility to query data using SQL, and ease of understanding relationships between entities. Disadvantages can include performance issues with complex queries, potential for data duplication across tables, and difficulty in scaling for very large datasets.

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Disadvantages of a computer based database?

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