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Q: What are diseases caused by excess of water?
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What happen from a excess of carbohydrates?

diseases that caused by the excess of carbohydrate

How do you prevent the diseases caused by an excess of fat?

Hate to overstate the obvious but lose the weight.

How can diseases caused by dirty water be cured?

There is medicine to cure some diseases from unclean water.

What diseases are caused from excess of calories in your diet?

Excess calories in your diet can lead to being overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke.

What diseases are caused by dirty water?

A lot

What kinds of diseases can a dehumidifier help prevent.?

Dehumidifiers can prevent allergies and asthma caused by excess mold growth.

What can cause excess growth of algae in water?

Algae is caused by the change of nutrients in the water.

What are the diseases caused by taking bath in dirty water?

What s the name of the disease caused by dirty water

What type of diseases are caused by climate change?

well some diseases are caused by climate change pollution of water like in the carribean there are some things polluting the water such as people and causing cholera to spark up

What is deficiency diseases and what are the diseases caused?

They are diseases caused by lack vitaminsthe diseases caused are:rickets,beri beri, scruvy,kwashiorkor.

What is cytolysis and what caused it?

Cytolysis is a condition where the cells will burst. This is commonly caused by excess water in the cell which results into osmotic imbalance.

What kind of diseases or health problems are caused by bad water quality?
