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If you have appendicitis, you will be...

* Doubled up in pain * Vomiting * Reflexively contract your abdominal muscles when touched ("guarding"). * Exhibit rebound tenderness. (If you push firmly down on the affected area and quickly release, indicates an inflammation.)

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15y ago
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9y ago

There are some quick home tests that suggest that you should go to the ER to rule out appendicitis, but you need to understand that diagnosis is difficult, and you could be risking your health if you have pain and don't get evaluated by a health care professional. Two quick tests that suggest a problem that needs surgical evaluation are hopping on one foot; if that makes your abdominal pain worse, you need the emergency room. Another is trying to lift your right leg against resistance (e.g. put it under your couch and try to life the couch with your foot.) If that makes abdominal pain worse, go to the ER. But you can have appendicitis without having pain from either of these maneuvers.

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