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Uncomplicated tinea cruris (jock itch) is effectively treated with topical anti-fungal creams. They are available as OTC preparations. See link for more.

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Q: What are effective treatments for jock itch or tinea cruris?
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Fungal jock itch is "tinea cruris".

What is Tinea Cruris famous for?

Tinea cruris is not a person, but rather is the medical name for the disease commonly known as jock itch. Common symptoms include burning sensation, itching and redness around the leg or genital region. It is best treated with topical creams and proper hygiene.

What is fungus diseases?

A fungal infection is known medically as tinea and can include: tinea corporis, tinea capitis, tinea cruris (jock itch), tinea pedis (athlete's foot), and ring worm.

What is squat rot?

Squat Rot is probably a misunderstood "Scrot Rot" which is U.K. slang for Tinea Cruris, comonly known Stateside as Jock Itch (i.e. Scrotum Rot).

What is the layman's name for tinea versicolor?

Tinea is also called ringworm. They are a group of fungal infections of the skin (dermatophytes)(skin flowers). The names of the pathogen are many but the most common or familiar are: Epidermophyton floccosum or Microsporum spp or Trichophyton spp.

What can cause Ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal infection. You come in contact with the spores and if you have a weak spot in your skin, the fungus will start to grow there. They grow in a circle, which is why it's called ringworm.

What are the symptoms of jock itch?

Tinea cruris or Jock itch as it is most commonly known as is a type of ringworm. Some of the most common signs are rash or redding of the skin on or near the groin area. Small bumps normally appear around the rash as well.

Illnesses caused by fungi?

The general medical term for a fungal infection is "mycosis". myco-: fungus -osis: abnormal condition of... However, for specific examples: Tinea Pedis- AKA "Athelete's Foot" Tinea Corporis- AKA "Ringworm" Tinea Cruris- AKA "Jock Itch"

How does your body protect itself from athletes foot?

Both bacteria and fungi normally live in harmony off of the dead cells on the surface of your skin. When you take an antibiotic, you disrupt the symbiotic harmony between the two varieties of biological fauna, and balance can only be reached by using an anti-fungal agent. On the feet this is called Athlete's Foot (tinea pedis), and on the crotch it is called Jock Itch (tinea cruris).

What are red pimple-like spots on the upper and lower back that itch?

Tinea versicolor

Describe jock itch?

A fungal infection of the groin.Jock itch is a pretty common fungal infection of the groin and upper thighs. It's part of a group of fungal skin infections called tinea. The medical name for jock itch is tinea cruris (pronounced: tih-nee-uh krur-us).Jock itch, like other tinea infections, is caused by several types of mold-like fungi called dermatophytes (pronounced: dur-mah-tuh-fites). All of us have microscopic fungi and bacteria living on our bodies, and dermatophytes are among them. Dermatophytes live on the dead tissues of your skin, hair, and nails and thrive in warm, moist areas like the insides of the thighs. So, when the groin area gets sweaty and isn't dried properly, it provides a perfect environment for the fungi to multiply and thrive.

Can you use ketoconazole cream for scabies?

The Mayo Clinic, (, says: Ketoconazole cream is used to treat: * Athlete's foot (tinea pedis; ringworm of the foot); * Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis); * Ringworm of the groin (tinea cruris; jock itch); * Seborrheic dermatitis; * "Sun fungus" (tinea versicolor; pityriasis versicolor); and * Yeast infection of the skin (cutaneous candidiasis).