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Q: What are elected positions in us?
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How do the president and vice president get their positions in government?

In the US, they both are elected by the electoral college.

Who pickes the US government?

Some positions are elected, some are appointed by elected officials, some are drafted into service in times of war.

What were James Garfield's elected positions?

Garfield was elected to nine terms as a US Congressman . He was elected to the Senate the year he was elected President and so never served in the Senate. He was also a state Senator in Ohio.

What positions did Harding hold before being elected president?

Harding was a US Senator from Ohio and the Lieutenant Governor of Ohio before he was elected President.

How long do Senators hold their positions?

Senators in the United States hold their positions for six years. They are elected to serve this term and can be re-elected for subsequent terms if they choose to run for re-election and are successful in the election.

According to the original constitution what positions were elected directly by the people the president and vice president US senators Representatives to the House?


How did new professionalism affected the way government was run?

Professionals replaced elected officials in some positions.

The includes all federal government jobs that are not elected positions or military positions?

civil service

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What are the elected county positions?

Under the desk and on top of it.

How many elected positions did Kennedy hold in his lifetime?