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Q: What are electromagnets more useful than permanent magnets?
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Why are electromagnets useful in motors?

Electromagnets are sometimes more useful because they can be turned on and off at will. This feature allows them to do things that other permanent magnets cannot do. High speed mag-lev trains use this ability to their advantage to propel themselves down the rails.

Why are electromagnets used instead of a permanent one?

sometimes in magnetic sepration etc electromagnets are more useful than permanent one as first magnet is used to seprate metallic waste and then its turned off so that attracted waste falls off at desired place so here permanent magnets are not that use full as electromagnet as in permanent magnet waste would get attracted but it would not fall. so electromagnet is more useful than permanent one.

What are the simalarities and difforences between an electro magnet and a permanent magnet?

Similar Each produces a magnetic field Each has a north and a south pole Different You can turn an electromagnet on and off. Permanent magnets are always "on". They are made from different materials Electromagnets require power. Permanent magnets don't. You can easily vary the strength of an electromagnet, but not a permanent magnet Some permanent magnets occur naturally and have been around for longer than humans have been. Electromagnets were not invented until the 1800's Electromagnets are capable of producing more intense magnetic fields than permanent magnets The names of some permanent magnets are more fun to say: neodymium-iron-boron Just thought I'd toss in that last one

Is an electromagnet stronger than a permanent magnet?

Not necessarily. The key difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet is the a permanent magnet does not change whereas an electromagnet's magnetic feild can be altered by varying the current through it. This means that electromagnets are more useful because they can be turned on or off, turned up or down or be put in 'reverse'.

Advantages and disadvantages of electromagnets?

There are many reasons why electromagnets shouldn't be used. For example, permanent magnets are better to use economically because there is no cost of operation, like an electromagnet. There is also no maintenance or hardly any setup required. For permanent magnets, they can be used for a lot longer than electromagnets becausecan be used in hazardous places and are they are unaffected by shock or vibrations. Electromagnets require electricity to run, which costs money. They also burnout or lose its magnetism after a while. There are also many reasons why electromagnets should be used. For an electromagnet, a person could easily control the power of the magnetism, unlike the permanent magnet which has the same intensity throughout. A person could also turn the power of the magnet on and off, which can become useful in certain situations. An electromagnet can also be made stronger than permanent magnets. The electromagnet also has a good field of depth, unlike the permanent magnets limited field depth.

Why electromagnets over permanent magnets for a large dc machine?

The flux density of an electromagnet can be easily controlled. It's also easy and cheap to produce a large flux density with an electromagnet which is necessary for such large dc motors. Permanent magnets are generally expensive. For such a large motor,a very large permanent magnet will be needed for that motor which will not be ideal.AnswerElectromagnets are more powerful than temporary magnets, and -as pointed out above- their flux density can be controlled.

Where can I find permanent magnets?

Permanent magnets can be purchased from sites such as Magnet Sales and PML India. A permanent magnet is more resistant to factors that would demagnetise it than regular magnets.

Why are electromagnets used in recycling factories?

Because they can be turned off and on again(unlike permanent magnets) they can pick up steel and other magnetic materials that can be recyled and more them to seperate places. Therefore seperating the rubbish.

Why do loudspeakers use magnets?

It is more energy efficient not to have both the cone and the frame have electromagnets. But it can work either way.

Do all magnets have the same power?

No, some are more powerful than others, as there are your normal refrigerator magnets that hold a few sheets of paper and there are super electromagnets that can hold cars.

Why is an electromagnet more useful than a magnet?

AnswerWithout electromagnets, we won't have electricity to power up your home and your computer!! they help us in scrapyards because if we use permantmagnets we wont be able to turn of the magnetism

What type of magnets are there?

The main types of magnets areBar MagnetHorseshoe MagnetCylindrical MagnetBall-ended MagnetThese are the main types . There are many more types .