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Enteric = GI tract....Infections..well that's self explanitory. hope that helps. :)

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Q: What are enteric micro-organisms?
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What is salmonella enteric?

Enteric fever is the name given to typhoid fever. It is caused by bacillus salmonella typhimurium. You do not have non salmonella enteric fever. So salmonella enteric is not very correct term. But still the term is used to stress the seriousness of the disease.

Are gram negative enteric bacilli fastidious heterotrophs?

gram negative enteric bacilli are fastidious heterotrophs.

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How can you use the word enteric in a sentence?

Example 1: Enteric pathogens if left untreated can lead to gastroenteritis. Example 2: The enteric emissions from the decay of dead animals can trigger an endemic in an open area.

What purpose does enteric coating serve?

An enteric coating that covers medicinal pills is a barrier that controls where in the digestive system that the medicine will absorb. Which enteric coating on pills depends on where the medicine should be absorbed such as the stomach or small intestines.

How is the urease test useful for identifying members of the genus proteus?

Urease, which is produced by some microorganisms, is an enzyme that is especially helpful in the identification of Proteus vulgaris. Although other organisms may produce urease, their action on the substrate tends to be slower than that seen with Proteus species. Therefore, this test serves to rapidly distinguish members of this genus from other non-lactose-fermenting enteric microorganisms.

Where is the enteric nervous system found?

The enteric nervous system is usually called the intestinal nervous branch of the nervous system. It regulates the digestive system.

What is enteric isolation?

Enteric isloation refers to the avoidence of any contact with bodily fluids of a patient due to pathogens or chemotherapy treatment that can be transmitted via these fluids.

The nerves of the gastrointestinal tract are referred to as?

enteric nerves

What does EC stand for in pharmacology abbreviations?

enteric coated

What medical term is a virus transmitted by the fecal oral route?

The medical term for a virus transmitted by the fecal-oral route is "enteric virus." Enteric viruses infect the gastrointestinal system and can be transmitted through contaminated water or food. Examples include norovirus and rotavirus.

What is the difference between a chewable and an enteric coated tablet?

An enteric coated tablet has a shell that prevents it from dissolving in the stomach. If chewed the shell will be broken and the medicine will encounter the stomach wall. Enteric coatings seek to prevent this because some medicines are harmful to the stomach but not to the small intestine where they are digested.