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Q: What are examples of Romans being civilized?
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Why did the Romans want to be civilized?

The Romans wanted to be civilized because they wanted to be the best, and to do that they needed to be civilized people.

Why weren't the Romans civilized?

The Romans weren't civilized because they took peoples lives and used it for their own good, they also hated Christians for what they belived in, simply because that's not what their society thought.

How civilized were rich Romans?

During the period of the Roman Empire, Rome was considered the most civilized city in the world and Roman citizens the most civilized people in the world, regardless of whether they were rich or poor.

What are 2 examples of characteristics of a highly civilized society?


Were the Romans civilized?

Civilized means people who live in cities (from Latin civis :: a citizen). Uncivilized people live in tiny villages, without proper roads, or running water, or any kind of a centralised government.Once people have sufficient social organisation to live in cities, they are civilized.

Summary of Australia by ad Hope?

A summary of Australia by A D Hope is that he sees Australia as being civilized. It hints that the rest of the world is not civilized, but countries just act as if they are.

What was the Romans religeon?

the romans believed that being homosexual was the answer to there prayers.

Were vikings and barbarian alike?

A barbarian is a person who isnt civilized, according to romans and greeks, all except romans, greek and maybe egyptians were barbarians. The vikings were germanic warriors from far away who wanted to plunder, they were barbarians in the eyes of europe

How are civilized groups different from barbarians?

The difference ebetween being civilized and uncivilized is manners. A civilized person would grow up in a nice home and be taught to do "appropriate" things and behave "human". As of being uncivilized though is that you would have grown up in a poor family, have no famous or rich person in your family, or have any way of life other than being yourself. These varied as different because civilized people went to the trouble of ignoring uncivilized people while uncivilized people didn't care.

Were the mongols civilized?

No they weren't civilized!

Was Ancient China civilized?

It would depend on your definition of being civilized. At the time, yes, while it was compared to other countries, possibly up until about 1750~1900 AD. I could be wrong.

What was the civilized tribes?

largest civilized tribe