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the muslims ran out of c0nd0ms

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Examples of cultural diffusion in the US include the spread of sushi and yoga from Japan, salsa dancing and tacos from Mexico, and the popularity of Bollywood films from India. These cultural elements have been embraced and integrated into American society, contributing to the rich cultural tapestry of the country.

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Q: What are examples of culural diffusion in the us?
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When something spreads such as religion ethnic groups or ideas what are they called?

When something spreads, such as religion, ethnic groups, or ideas, it is often referred to as cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion occurs when different cultures interact and share elements of their beliefs, practices, or customs with each other, leading to the spread of these cultural traits.

What led to the diffusion of the major religions?

The diffusion of major religions was influenced by factors such as trade routes, conquests, migrations, missionaries, and cultural exchange. As societies interacted with each other, they shared beliefs and practices, which contributed to the spread of religions across different regions. Additionally, the appeal of these religions' teachings and principles played a significant role in attracting new followers.

How was the religious expansion a part of wider cultural diffusion?

Religious expansion contributed to wider cultural diffusion by spreading beliefs, practices, and values across different regions and populations. As religions expanded, they often interacted with local cultures, influencing and being influenced by them, leading to the exchange and blending of ideas, traditions, and customs. This process of cultural diffusion helped shape societies, worldviews, and identities by fostering new forms of expression, beliefs, and social structures.

Examples of long spontaneous prayer before starting the class?

"Dear God, guide us as we embark on this learning journey. May our minds be open to new ideas and our hearts be filled with curiosity and understanding. Help us to support and encourage one another as we strive for excellence in all that we do. Amen."

What are some past and present day examples of theocracies?

Past examples of theocracies include the Papal States in Europe and the Caliphates of the Islamic world. Present day examples include Iran and Vatican City.

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Osmosis and diffusion are examples of passive transport?

Yes, osmosis and diffusion are both examples of passive transport.

Give examples of diffusion in the human body?

There are quite a few examples of diffusion in the human body. They are breathing, sneezing, evaporation, blood diffusion, and homeostasis.

What are examples of diffusion in the human body?

Diffusion occurs in the human body in a variety of ways. Examples of diffusion are through respiration, ion movement and the diffusion of nutrients in the kidney and small intestine.

What are the examples of simple diffusion?

Osmosis is one of the easiest-to-understand examples of diffusion. Past that, you will need to define 'simple'.

What are some examples of passive transport?

diffusion facilitated diffusion osmosis

What are five examples of culture diffusion involving china Korea and japan?

Diffusion from Korea and China

What are some examples of diffusion at school?

purfume farting

What is the process of spreading new ideas called?

Diffusion is the process of spreading new ideas from culture to culture. Examples of diffusion include the use of cars and the smelting of iron. There are five main types of diffusion they are: Expansion diffusion, Relocation diffusion, Hierarchal diffusion, Congious diffusion and Stimulus diffusion.

Give 2 examples of passive transport?

Passive transport is when molecules pass freely through the membrane moving from the higher concentration area to the region of lower concentration. Three examples of this are diffusion, osmosis, and active transport.

3 examples of diffusion?

smelling the chalkboard cleaner,perfume

What are negative examples of diffusion in your daily lives?

you r a loser

What is a culural region?

things that people in a culture region may share