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Insects are an excellent example of an entire order of flying invertebrates. They have no vertebral structures, are generally structured by chitin-based exoskeletons, and are often winged.

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Q: What are examples of flying invertebrates?
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Related questions

Which is the flying invertebrate?

Insects are the only flying invertebrates.

What are th examples of invertebrates?

Worms, Mollusks and sponges are examples of invertebrates.

What are flying invertebrates called?


Is a flying fish an invertebrate or a vertebrate?


What are the examples of invertebrates?

invertebrates are animals which do not have a skeleton made up of bones . Some examples of invertebrates are - Jellyfish , Corals , Starfish , Sponges , Crabs and Shrimps

What are animals that are usually covered with a shell called?

These animals are called invertebrates. Invertebrates have no backbone. Examples of invertebrates are insects.

Are there any invertebrates in the desert?

Yes, insects are invertebrates and there are many crawling and flying insects in the desert, such as butterflies, moths, ants, etc.

What characteristics can be found exclusively in vertebrates when compared to invertebrates?

Vertebrates have backbones. Examples are dinosaurs, humans and eagles. Invertebrates have no backbone. Examples are ants, squids and trilobites.

What are examples of invertibrates and vertibrates?

Two examples of vertebrates are humans and iguanas. Two examples of invertebrates are starfish and cockroaches.

Are flying lemurs vertebrates or invertebrates?

They are Vertebrates, most of them have a spine which puts them in the vertebrate category!

Difference in charateristics between vertebtrates and invertebrates?

Vertebrates have spinal cords, internal skeletons and backbones. Invertebrates do not have these characteristics. Some examples of invertebrates include jellyfish, earthworms and snails.?æ

Are flying fish invertebrates?

Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. So no flying fish are NOT invertebrates.