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Q: What are examples of push factors that cause current migration in the US?
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What are the factors of migration?

Some of the factors that influence migration are lack of food or shelter or fresh water in an area. This will most often cause a population to begin movement or migration in search of food or water.

Factors that cause people to migrate?

Main Factors Affecting Migration Political violence Family Bond environmental cause seeking facilities

What factors cause Caribbeans to migrate to other places?

Economic factors, natural disasters, and political factors play a role in migration in the Caribbeans.

What are the push factors that cause migration in animals?

lack of food,space,trees deforestion (lack=less or none)

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List three factors that might cause migration patterns to vary?

The vary of the amount of food and water available, the temperature, and the distance the animal travels.

What were cause of the great migration?

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What is it called when people move from rural areas to cities?

Rural-Urban migration. This is normally due to push factors ( things that cause people to move eg. less services available) and pull factors ( things that attract people eg. more job opportunity's)

What cause the push and pull factors of rural urban migration?

Push factors of rural-urban migration include lack of job opportunities, poor access to healthcare and education, and limited infrastructure in rural areas. Pull factors include better job prospects, higher wages, improved access to services, and a higher quality of living available in urban areas.

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What are the push factors that cause migration?

drought war poverty overcrowding religious persecution natural disasters censorship loss of wealth (high tax) Death threats No school scholarships Protests

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