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The brave warriors were rewarded.

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Q: What are examples of single-word modifier?
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What are examples of single word modifier?

The brave warriors were rewarded.

What are examples of dangling modifier?

Modifiers, or descriptive words or phrases, can add a great deal of interest to a sentence. They are an important tool for writing descriptive, engaging content. However, when used improperly, modifiers can be confusing or distort the meaning of a sentence. One common modifier error, dangling modifiers.

What modifier is created when a modifier lacks a proper headword to which it clearly refers?


Is the statement at dinner spaghetti was served by your mother loaded with onions and garlic a dangling modifier or misplaced modifier?

The statement is not a dangling modifier or misplaced modifier, the statement has a dangling modifier or misplaced modifier."loaded with onions and garlic" is a misplaced modifier. The way the sentence is written now it sound like mother is loaded with onions and garlic.The phrase "loaded with onions and garlic" should come after spaghetti.The corrected statement should be:At dinner spaghetti, loaded with onions and garlic, was served by your mother.

List the three kinds of dangling modifiers?

Misplaced modifier: This occurs when a modifier is not placed next to the word it is meant to modify, leading to confusion or ambiguity. Squinting modifier: This type of modifier can be interpreted as modifying either the word that comes before it or the word that comes after it, resulting in unclear meaning. Dangling modifier: This happens when a modifier does not have a clear word or phrase to modify in the sentence, leading to awkward or illogical constructions.

Related questions

What are examples of modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

What are examples of adjective modifier?

Examples of an adjective modifier is a word that gives more detail about the adjective. Some examples are very, moderately, slowly, quite, etc. These modifiers can also be numbers.

What are examples of single word modifier?

The brave warriors were rewarded.

What are some examples of a modifier?

After being whipped the cook boiled the egg

What are some examples of a dangling modifier?

After being whipped the cook boiled the egg

What are the examples of clause modifier?

Some examples of clause modifiers include adverbs, adverbial phrases, and adverbial clauses that modify the meaning of the main clause by providing additional information about time, place, manner, or reason. For instance, phrases like "in the morning," "very slowly," and clauses such as "because he was tired" are all types of clause modifiers.

What is a awkward modifier?

An awkward modifier is a modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence. =] A modifier that interrupts the flow of the sentence

A limiting modifier is what?

APEX A limiting modifier is a modifier that limits the meaning of another word in the sentence

What modifier is used if a patient underwent a bilateral tympanoplasty?

modifier -51

What is a tc modifier?

A technical component modifier.

How do you know when a Modifier is in a sentence?

How you know is you have to read the whole sentence and to find out what a modifier is you have to know what a modifier is

What is a squinting modifier?

squinting modifier is a modifier between two words both of which it could modify. sometimes it is also called a two-way modifier.