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Q: What are examples of thoughtful message encoding?
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What is nonverbal encoding?

Nonverbal encoding is the process of sending messages without using words, such as through body language, facial expressions, and gestures. This form of communication can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions without verbalizing them.

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What is encoding in the process of communication?

the intepretation of the message sent by the sender or receiver

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Specific Area Message Encoding

True or false - the process of choosing language or nonverbal behaviors to convey your message is known as encoding?

True. In communication theory, encoding is the process of selecting the most appropriate verbal or nonverbal channel to express your message to the receiver.

What is encoding in communication?

The interpretation of the message sent by the sender or receiver (can be sent by either one)

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Source idea Message Encoding Channel Receiver Decoding Feedback

What are 9 elements of communication?

the nine elements of communication is....... Sender Receiver Encoding Decoding Media Message Response Feedback Noise the nine elements of communication is....... Sender Receiver Encoding Decoding Media Message Response Feedback Noise

What does your exboyfriend mean when he replies to your text message?

He is being polite and responding to a text message you sent him. There is no meaning in a thoughtful response.

How has information technology affected international marketing research?

Information technology has revolutionized international marketing research by providing access to vast amounts of data from various sources in real-time. It allows for more efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting, enabling marketers to make informed decisions quickly. Additionally, technology has made it easier to reach international markets, conduct surveys, and gather feedback from consumers all around the world.

What are some of the functions of this information system?

information processing,message transfer,encoding and decoding of data

What represents the process a message goes through when it is received and interpreted?

source → encoding → receiver → decoding