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Q: What are examples of valid information and data on ohs perfromance?
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Deferent betbeen data and information with suitable examples?

data is not accurate.. where information is so accurate

What are some of the examples of information system?

data base

What are the examples of data anomalies?

I try to answer as simple as people can understand. Island Of Information means the same data (such scattered data locations) separated at the different places. Data Anomaly caused by Island Of Information. We can say that Data Anomaly is something wrong with the data or information. Some examples are Modification Anomalies(data cannot be deleted), Insertion Anomalies(data cannot be inserted) and Deletion Anomalies(data cannot be deleted).

What are the examples of data and information?

Data are physical files, for example, some picture files, word files on your computer. Information is the meaning of those data, for example, your company's finance information in the word file.

Define data diddling?

Data diddling is the changing of data before or during entry into the computer system. diddling. Examples include forging or counterfeiting documents used for data entry and exchanging valid disks and tapes with modified replacements.

Differentiate data and information and examples of each?

Well information is processed data. Information has more meaning than data. For example 0945 is data. In this state it doesn't mean much. But if you process it this data can mean for example a date: the ninth month of 1945 or it can mean 15 to 10.

What is static information?

Static information refers to data that remains constant or unchanged over time. This type of information does not require frequent updates and is typically used as reference or background data. Examples include company contact information or historical data in a database.

What are examples of centralized information architectures?

Examples of centralized information architectures include traditional data warehouses, where all data is stored and managed in a central repository. Another example is a centralized content management system, where all digital content is stored and managed in a central location. Additionally, centralized databases, where all data is stored in a single database server, are also common examples of centralized information architectures.

Why is it important to verify data?

So that you are absolutely sure that the information you have is valid and genuinely true-- especially if you are planning on telling others about it.

Why its important to verify data?

So that you are absolutely sure that the information you have is valid and genuinely true-- especially if you are planning on telling others about it.

What does valid means in scientific terms?

A conclusion or assertion would be considered to be scientifically valid if the data are accurate and the reasoning based on that data is, as far as we can tell, correctly reasoned. Science does not deal in absolute truth, which is why scientists prefer the term valid, which indicates that as far as we presently know, this statement is true, although new data and/or new reasoning may cause us to change our minds in the future.

What are the examples of Unclassified data?

Information that is in the public domain or has been specifically declassified by an authoritative body.