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Q: What are examples that would be creating a long term plan to stop smoking?
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For smoking, none. Smoking is not an illegal activity.

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What would be a good example of a slogan about anti smoking?

If you smoke .......... It wont be long before you croak:>(

How long would it take for THC to get out of your system if you were smoking high grade marijuana?

6 months

What are some examples of civil disobedience?

Some examples would be Gandhi in 1930 on his long march to the British sea.

How long does nicotine stay in your system if you stop smoking?

how long doe nicotine stay in your system if you stop smoking?

What effect would smoking have on a person who quit smoking?

It would depend on how long you had quit. If you had only recently quit, smoking would probably start your habit all over again. Other than that, it would have all the same effects it had before you had quit but since you already had smoked before, the effects would accumulate faster and probably become magnified.

How long does it take for smoking to affect your appearance?

It depends on the person judging your appearance. If it is a nonsmoker, my guess would be that your appearance would be quite disgusting.

How long does take for a cigarette butt to burn xDDDDDDDDD?

It depends what type of cigarette it is but it would take longer if your not smoking it.

How long will it take for weed to cause brian damage?

I would estimate about 1 hour of non stop smoking.

How long would you be clean by if you ate gum while smoking marijuana?

Chewing gum won't clean your system