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Hana Brady was a young Jewish girl who perished in the Holocaust at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Her story gained widespread attention through the documentary film "Inside the Heart of the Anne Frank House." Hana's red suitcase became a symbol of the innocent lives lost during the Holocaust.

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What is Hana Brady's Mothers name?

Hana Brady's Mother was Marketa Brady.

When was Hana Brady born?

Hana Brady was born on May 16, 1931.

Where did Hana Brady live?

Hana Brady was born in Nové Mesto, Czechoslovakia.

What is Hana Brady's birthday?

Hana Brady was born on May 16, 1931.

How did hana brady's mother die?

Hana Brady's mother died the same way as Hana Brady. She died in a gas chamber. So did her farther.

Hana brady and george brady were same camp?

Hana Brady and George Brady were sent to the same camp at first. Unfortunately they were separated and Hana was killed Goerge still lives today.

When did Hana Brady die?

Hana Brady died on October 23, 1944 at the age of 13.

What is Hana Brady's mom and dads name?

Hana Brady's mothers name was Marketa and her father was Karel

How old was Hana Brady at death?

Hana Brady died on October 23, 1944 at the age of 13.

What is Hana Brady's Father's name?

was Karel Brady.

What is the date that Hana Brady was born?

Hana Brady was born 16th of May 1931 in Nove-Mesto, Czechoslovakia

How old was Hana Brady when she died?

Hana Brady died when she was 13 years old in the gas chamber at Auchwitz