

Best Answer
i only have 5 but here they are
  • The population in England had doubled.

  • Children started working at the age of 5

  • Children's Nanny's got paid 25.00 pound a year.

  • Poor families had to send their children to the workhouses to bring in money for the family.

  • In early Victorian times they didn't go to school but in late Victorian times they started school from the age of 5.

  • cheese

During the Victorian Era in England: The population of England nearly doubled. There was a large increase in the education level of the middle class. There was a reduction in the numbers of wars. There were, for the first time, no major nationwide epidemics. There was a huge increase in industry. The mortality rate declined from 22.4 per thousand to 14.4 per thousand. Communications of all types improved. The British Empire was created. The Crimean War happened. There is a link below for more.
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7y ago
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13y ago

Queen Victoria reigned for sixty three years. The longest in history

She wore a white dress to her wedding a started the world wide trend for brides.

The current monarch, Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip are both great-great grandchildren of Queen Victoria

She disapproved of smoking

Queen Victoria was the first monarch to travel by train

She survived 7 assassination attempts

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15y ago

It was a time of great technological progress. Many upper class Victorian males went as administrators to far-flung parts of the British Empire, which had outposts in most parts of the world. Most Victorians only knew a queen as sovreign (not a king), because Queen Victoria reigned such a long time (63 years from memory).

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12y ago

In 1825 the first passenger railway opened.

In 1899 school leaving aged raised to 12.

In 1891 education became free for every child.

In 1842 a report reveals that half the children die before their 5th birthday.

In 1851 the sewing machine was invented.

In 1879 Edison invented the light bulb.

In 1819 Queen Victoria was born.

In1861 Prince Albert dies on the 14th of December.

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11y ago

1. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had 9 children. (5 girls & 4 boys)

2. Their children entered the royal houses (through marriage) all across Europe.

3. Three of Victoria's children proceeded her in death along with her husband Albert

4. Queen Victoria did not like being pregnant nor did she like infants she viewed them as ugly and she hated breastfeeding. (So she did not pay any attention to her children when they were babies).

5. Prince Leopold had hemophilia and thus shunned by his mother until after his death. Queen Victoria refused to acknowledge that she might had a part in giving her son that awful disease (which was brought on by so much interbreeding through royal and nobality marriages).

6. Prince Edward (later King Edward VII) was a playboy. He continued having mistresses throughout his marriage & life.

7. Queen Victoria and some of her daughter carried the Hemophilia gene (not all daughters would carried the gene). The women have a 50/50 chance of being a carrier such as Princess Alice who had the gene and passed it onto her daughter the Czarina Alexandra of Russia who in turn bore a son who had hemophilia the Tsesarevich Alexi.

8. Prince Albert died at the age of 42 from an illness. Researchers and scientist are still in debate of what disease or cancer killed him. Such as typhoid fever, Crohn's disease, renal failure or some other cancer.

9. Queen Victoria wore black the rest of her life after Albert's death, as a sign of mourning for her beloved husband. It is to believed that she blamed her eldest son for Albert's early death (Edward VII prince of whales) for his parting ways.

10. Queen Victoria is the longest reigning monarch to have sat on a throne. (Should note that the present Queen Elizabeth II is very close to surpassing Queen Victoria on that front)

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11y ago
There was a queen called queen Victoria,

and it wasn't very nice there!

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11y ago

many rich victorian children had rides in carts pulled by ponies goats or oxen

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