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stay away from them is #1
Honey bees are a species of bees. The queen gets fed and only the queen lays eggs.

The drones only mate with the queen. The queen mates with 8 drones and lays more than 1000 eggs per day. And honey bee's eat pollen.

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Q: What are facts about honey bees?
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What are the 3 facts about honey?

Honey is the vomit of bees.

What are facts about worker bees?

Worker Bees will collect the honey then in Spring or Summer the honey collecter will get the honey.

What is killing the honey bees and why?

Lots of theories but no confirmed scientific facts.

What is sticky and sweet and comes from bees?

honey hence the name honey bees Honey bees also produce bees wax by converting honey.

Were honey cam from?

Honey comes from Bees like Honey Bees.

Do bees produce honey?

Do honey bees produce WHAT? If the question is "honey", then yes, HONEY bees produce HONEY. If the question is NOT "honey", I'm afraid I can't help you.

Do beekeepers want bumble bees?

No honey bees for the honey.

What are honey bees afraid of?

Honey bees are afraid of smoke

What honey bees?

Birds are the main predators of honey bees.

Are honey bees the only bees that make honey?

No, honey bees are not the only bees that make honey. The bees in question (Apis spp) just happen to be the most famous of the world's natural honey-makers. Other apian examples include bumble and stingless bees.

Who from the bees makes honey?

It is the worker bees that make the honey.

Are honey bees made out of honey?

They are called honey bees because they collect nectar to make honey.