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Q: What are facts about polar bears and arctic wolves?
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What are predators of the Arctic wolf?

The most powerful (or apex) predator in the arctic is the polar bear.arctic foxes, polar bears

What wildlife lives in the Arctic?

Polar bears, Arctic foxes, hares, lemmings, wolves, seals

What are some living things in the Arctic?

polar bears,narwales,arctic wolves

What are predators of Arctic foxes?

it predidtor is a wolves and polar bears

What Predators of arctic fox?

it predidtor is a wolves and polar bears

What are the arctic predators?

Humans, Polar Bears, Humans, and other Wolves.

What animals are carnivores that live in the Arctic?

Polar bears, grizzly bears, brown bears, wolves, Arctic foxes, red foxes, wolverines and mink are the major carnivores found in the Arctic. Some are actually omnivores and eat plant matter as well as animals.

Do Arctic wolves ever hunt polar bears?

no the bear will eat the wolf

What are the arctic wolf predators?

Humans, Polar Bears, Humans, and other Wolves.

Do Arctic foxes have predators?

Yes. Arctic foxes are eaten by polar bears, Snowy owls, and arctic wolves, to name a few.

What do animals in the Arctic such as polar bears caribou and arctic wolves have in common?

they both live in the arctic, both have teeth, are both white.

What does the Arctic fox's prey eat?

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears, and in times of scarcity even eat their feces. They also eat some plant matter, including seaweed.