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Sol was the original sun-deity for the natives of the Italian Peninsula. He was later equated to the Greek Titan, Helios. He was supplanted with Apollo much the same way Helios was.

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Q: What are facts about the roman god sol?
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What is the roman name for the sun?

If you mean the word sun in Latin, then it is Sol. However if you want to know about the Roman sun God then it is Appolo.

Where did the sun's name come from god?

Sunna the Norse goddess; or Sol the Roman god.

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In the ancient roman religion, Sol, later referred to as Sol Invictus (unconquered Sun) was the sun deity.

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Sol is the name attributed to the Roman mythical god of the sun. The language of Rome was Latin. Popular English words such as solar have derived from Sol.

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Most likely, yes - it might also come from the Norse goddess of the same name Sol of the Sun.

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Sol, or Sol Invictus as the Roman sun god. Helios is another name for the sun referring to the Greek sun god.

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