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It is fair to note that in some areas, having turtles as pets, whether live captured or farm raised is against the law. They are omnivores, meaning they will eat plants and small animals such as small fish, salamanders or toads as well as insects, Spiders, slugs, and snails.

These turtles like to spend some time in the water and will need to have water deep enough for an occasional dive. In order for them to be fully healthy, however, they also need ample space to bask and completely dry out between swims.

A good rule of thumb for your aquarium, or turtle enclosure is for it to be at least three times the width of the shell of the largest turtle and at least six times the length to provide enough room to move around freely with some comparison to their natural habitat.

A UV-b light can be used for basking, but if real sunlight is available, it is always best. Be careful if the sunlight is reflected through windows or there is no shade, as the area could become too hot in the habitat.

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Q: What are facts about yellow bellied turtles?
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How old do yellow bellied turtles mate?

Hi there!! Yellow bellied turtles usually mate when about 2-5 years old. If your turtles arnt mating its probably because their 1. Sick 2. same sex 3.just dont feel to I hope that this answer helps you!

Can you mix yellow bellied turtles with fish?

No, I tried with my goldfish and they definitely didn't get along.

Does that sliders turtles have red on its head?

The red eared slider does, but the yellow bellied slider does not.

Are yellow bellied slider the same as yellow bellied turtles?

They are basically the same thing but yellow bellied sliders are more commonly said as the name of the turtle. Yes they are the same. Look it up, y do want to know, it doesn't make a difference, of how you say it they are the same thing.

You brought a turtle yellow bellied is it the same as a yellow bellied terrapin if not how can you tell the difference?

Both names refer to the same animal. In America terrapins, tortoises and turtles are all referred to as turtles. This has caused some confusion in the hobby and some pet/reptile shops here in the UK also call terrapins turtles. The peninsular cooter (also a terrapin) looks almost identical to the yellow bellied terrapin. Hope this helps.

How long does yellow bellied turtles live?

20-40 years in the wild or in captivity with good care

Do yellow bellied turtles shed?

Yes, as they grow they will shed the keratin layer of their scutes in whole sheets.

What is a plastron on a yellow bellied turtle?

The plastron is the part of the shell that faces the ground; it is the part protecting the turtle's abdomen. In the case of a yellow-bellied turtle such as a slider or cooter (as a hobbyist, I've had 2 MS yellow-bellied cooters in my life and I think they're great turtles), the plastron is in fact its yellow belly. Hope it helps.