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The left side of your brain is your creative, logic side. So your left side of your body is the side that make you think about logic and gives you good creativity.

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Q: What are facts pertaining to the left side of your body?
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"Lying on your side." Lateral means pertaining to the side of your body, and medial means pertaining to the middle of your body.

What is the definition of lateral positioning?

"Lying on your side." Lateral means pertaining to the side of your body, and medial means pertaining to the middle of your body.

What part of the body does the right side of the brain control?

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

Left side of the brain controlls what?

The left side of ur body controls ur vision.

What side controls the left side of your body?

The left side of your body - is controlled by the right side of your brain.

What is the meaning of left?

of Leave, of Leave., Of or pertaining to that side of the body in man on which the muscular action of the limbs is usually weaker than on the other side; -- opposed to right, when used in reference to a part of the body; as, the left hand, or arm; the left ear. Also said of the corresponding side of the lower animals., That part of surrounding space toward which the left side of one's body is turned; as, the house is on the left when you face North., Those members of a legislative assembly (as in France) who are in the opposition; the advanced republicans and extreme radicals. They have their seats at the left-hand side of the presiding officer. See Center, and Right.

What is the left side of your brain in charge of?

The right side of your body The left side of the brain controls the right side of your body and the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. If you are left brained you are more prone to using logic and problem solving, while the right side is creatively and artistic ability.

What is dextrocardia?

its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left

How is brain side and body muscle control related?

The left hemisphere, or side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere, or side controls the left side of the body.

What does the left side of your brain controll?

The vision side of your brain is the left side. It also controls the right side of your body.

What hemisphere controls the left side of the body?

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body.

The left side of your brain controls what part of the body?

Your two hemispheres of the brain control movements on the opposite sides of your body. Your right somatic cortex controls your left side and your left somatic cortex controls your right side.