

What are fallicies?

Updated: 3/22/2024
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15y ago

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urban myths, old wives' tales.

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1mo ago

Fallacies are errors in reasoning that can make arguments invalid or misleading. They can occur in various forms, such as appealing to emotions rather than facts (appeal to emotion fallacy) or attacking a person's character rather than addressing their argument (ad hominem fallacy). It's important to recognize fallacies to have stronger, more logical arguments.

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Is being anorexic and bulimic more dangerous than just the one?

ANSWER:Unfortunately, the people who discussed this issue below are incorrect. You can NOT have both simultaneously. I had to log in and change this response, because someone actually sent this link to me. By definition in the DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10, which health professionals worldwide use to diagnose Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, you can only be diagnosed with one of these disorders at any given time. In BOTH anorexia and bulimia, patients attempt to restrict or reduce body weight by restricting food intake and/or binging and purging (e.g., eating large quantities and vomiting, using laxatives). The distinguishing feature is that patients with anorexia maintain less than 85% of their expected body weight and bulimic patients are able to maintain their expected body weight. Below is a link to the diagnostic criteria used by physicians, psychologists, and other health professionals in diagnosing either disorder., i'd just like 2 clear this up, YES people can have both eating disorders! I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, then a few months later, i was diagnosed by a hospital specialist with anorexia nervosa with bulimic symptoms. This is possible because of things you do,First off,anorexia was the actual disease,i over exercised,limited calories & fasted! Next, i would take syrup to induce vomitting & laxatives. I wouldn't binge as a bulimic was, & i was always 80 lbs,at 26 yrs old & 5'4 so always under weight, however since i did all 4 things the specialist said i had both! Anorexia & bulimia combined are VERY dangerouse & a deadly combination,if you have both since this is a physcological disease you will have tendencies to switch a lot & go from one extreme to the other! This not only confuses you, but it also takes a huge toll on your body.What you really need if you have both of these is a really GOOD therapist, but if this is just another want to lose weight thing, well, all i can say is, people with anorexia or bulimnia or both have physcological issues, it is not just about losing weight! So if this is just another weight loss wanna be thing then you do realize it wont succeed. You see people who REALLY have this disease have it in their mind, and the mind is the MOST powerfull thing. If you don't really have this & just want to lose weight, well it wont work out,you cant make yourself have something you don't, anorexia is not a choice its an awfull disease!!! You spend your life in & out of hospitals,lose your menstruation, & i had a heart attack already & am only 26 yrs old, so really its up to you to decide, if you really have these diseases seak help, if you just want 2 lose weight then don't even bother associating it with ed's, nothing pisses me off more then people who want something they don't have,i mean really, who would want anorexia? Its crazy!AnswerAbsolutley. You have to take care of yourself. I was once anorexic and believe me to gain back the weight it is not pretty. Doctors made me go on a feeding tube so I could get healthy again, I almost died because of it. So I would have to say that a combination of the two of them would be like taking your whole life and flushing it. If you are doing both of these too try to loss weight, then STOP NOW PLEASE. You don't want to do it like this. Go to a gym and exercise and eat healthy, that's what Im doing today. If you want to have children in the future then you need to act like an adult now and think of what your putting your body through, because you need certain antibodies to produce. AnswerIt is dangerous to be either, but of course if you combine them that it is even more dangerous... but i don't see how you would combine them because anorexia means you don't eat... and bulemia means you pig out and then make yourself throw up... Both of these are DISEASES and could kill you. If you have an eating disorder you should seek counseling IMMEDIATELY AnswerI have been anorexic and bulemic for 14 years. I am only 23. I did not binge. I would vomit without eating. Because of this, i have had 4 major surgeries done on my esophagus and stomache. I have also have a heart condition to the point that i will wake up in an ambulance or er about once every 2 months. My lowest weight was 51 lbs. I am 5foot 5 and a half. These are disorders that will destroy you phisically and emotionally. You need to find treatment to figure out where your problem stems from- the weight is a cover for control, ndgative attention, or many other problems with home life or self esteem. Live your life- enjoy your friends and loved ones before its to late. Dont consume your life with false fallicies. Dont lose people simply because they just cant deal anymore. You have so much to live for, don't base your life on a number that's never good enough. With the help of loved ones, i have not practiced over a year and am a happy, healthy 118 lbs. Dont be scared- its only a number.