

What are ferrets bred with?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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10y ago

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Ferrets are only bred with other ferrets

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Q: What are ferrets bred with?
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Have domesticated ferrets been bred to live longer?

No, but with information on ferrets, a proper diet and veterinarian care, ones that are properly cared for will live longer.

Why did your ferret bite your rabbit?

Ferrets are predatory carnivores. In the wild, polecats (from which ferrets were domesticated from) would hunt and kill rabbits, and this instinct is not something that can be bred out of the species.

Do ferrets have Periods?

Domestic male ferrets are seasonal breeders and are sexually active between December and July. Females are polyestrous and have more than one estrous cycle between March and August. Male ferrets technically don't have periods, they become sexually active certain times of the year.

What makes mice and rats so afraid of ferrets?

Ferrets are strict carnivores - meat eaters and have been used for centuries for rodent extermination. Survival instincts. Ferrets were bred and domesticated to kill rats, better then cats can because they go after them in the actual holes.

Exactly How Rare Are Cinnamon Ferrets?

it depends on if the ferret was bred from if u need anymore info please go to my my space and type in Dylan laws i will be on the 2nd page and i will be holding 2 ferrets and wearing a leather jacket just send me a message

Will a domesticated ferret kill a rabbit?

No. Even if the ferret didn't mean to hurt the rabbit it is very likely that it will because ferrets are rough (nip and scratch) when they play. It would not be advised to let the two play with one another

Can female ferrets be kept together?

They can get along, but they don't get along as well as two male ferrets. Female ferrets, after they get spayed, are much more territorial than before they get spayed. If you are thinking of getting two ferrets, I suggest getting one male and one female. Of course, you should get them spayed and neutered, first.

Where can you get marshall ferrets?

You can get Marshall bred ferrets from most Petco stores. You can identify a Marshall ferret by the two dots in the ear. This is a tattoo that identifies the ferret as fixed and descented. Marshall farms also breeds ferrets for lab research but Path Valley Farms does not. I would not recommend buying a Triple F ferret, they are being investigated for cruelty to animals.

What would you feed your baby ferrets if they didnt feed of milk from their mothers?

One of our ferrets, Mordechai, was successfully hand-reared by the partner of the man who bred him using a syringe and commercial kitten milk. He's a big healthy hob now, just past his second birthday.

What are the similarities between what the ferret evolved from and what it looks like now?

Ferrets are believed to be descended from the European Polecat, which you can see at This was due to a process of artificial, rather than natural, selection at the hands of humans, however, who bred ferrets in order to hunt rabbits and so it's not technically evolution. As you'll see from the link, ferrets and polecats are still very similar, though ferrets have a far wider range of colouration.

How many times does a ferret get pregnant a year?

Ferrets are photo-receptive ovulators, meaning that they go into season when there is more than 12 hours of light in a day. Ferrets normally breed 2 times a year, In ferret farms where the light is manipulated they are bred about 3 times a year

Do ferrets have to go to the vet?

It's depends on the extent of the injury and if you have the funds. Never let a ferret around any rodents, such as mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs or rabbits as ferrets were bred to hunt them.