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Carl vomited on trevor

john kissed ocean

pumpkin humped krismine

gabi brook her back

the pudgy lady walked up to the lemonade stand

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4d ago
  1. She ran to catch the bus before it departed.
  2. The dog barked loudly at the passing mailman.
  3. The chef carefully sliced the ripe tomatoes for the salad.
  4. He jumped in the pool to cool off from the hot weather.
  5. The children laughed as they played on the swings at the park.
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Q: What are five sentences with verbs in them?
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What are sentences with verbs in them?

Here are some sentences with verbs: She runs every morning. They are playing soccer in the park. We will go to the beach next weekend. The dog barks loudly at night.

Make five sentences with the word you?

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Exercises for simple compound and complex sentences?

Pay attention on subjects and verbs to identify simple sentences , you will then include subordinates and coordinates for compound sentences .

Is it true that a compound sentences has one subject but two verbs?


What are compound verbs?

the words describing an action(s) in sentences or statements

How do you find subjects and verbs in unusual positions?

To find subjects and verbs in unusual positions, first identify the main verb in the sentence. Then look for the word or phrase that performs the action of the verb to identify the subject. Sometimes, the subject may come after the verb or can be implied rather than explicitly stated.

What is the adverb for defend?

to describe verbs,adjective,sentences and other adverbs efficient

What are examples sentences for verbs?

The dog barked loudly at the mailman. She painted a beautiful landscape. He ran quickly to catch the bus. The teacher explained the math problem carefully.

Compound verbs are always what?

the words describing an action(s) in sentences or statements

Can you give five sentences about a cow in Hindi?

गाय एक चार पैर वाला जानवर है। वह घास, दाना और पानी से भरपूर खाती है। गाय हड्डियों से बनी होती है और दूध उत्पादन के लिए हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। गाय भारतीय संस्कृति में पवित्र मानी जाती है और उसका गोबर भी उपयोगी होता है। गाय अपने बच्चे को ध्यान से पालती है।

Sentences that use powerful verbs and powerful noun phrases?

is powerful a noun or verb

What are five letter verbs with or?

Some examples of five-letter verbs that contain "or" are: Honor Chord Forgo Dorms