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Q: What are forests in which plenty of rain falls all the year?
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Forests in which plenty of rain falls all year round?

rain forests

are forests in which plenty rain falls all year what’s the definition?


How much rain falls in a rain forest each year?

How much rain forest does a rain forest get each year... Well, I would say that a rain forest can't really get any rain forests in a year, but Tropical rain forests get about 200-600 cm of rain each year, and Temperate Rain forests get 200-400 cm of rain each year.

What are dense forests in which plenty of rain falls all year called?

Forest floor- the lowest level in the rainforest where shrubs are found and little sunlight reaches. The upper levels of the rainforest would be denser but i wouldn't consider them undergrowth.

How much rain falls in a year in Hong Kong?


Thick forests that get large amounts of rain year round are called?

Rain forest

How does rainfall differ between tropical rain forests and tropical seasonal forests?

tropical seasonal forests have wet season and dry season and tropical rain forests have lots of rainfall through out the year

How are the three forests biomes different?

The three forest biomes are Coniferous Forests, Deciduous Forests, and Tropical Rain Forests. Coniferous Forests are located in Canada, Alaska, Northern Asia, and Northern Europe. They are adapted for supporting cold ecosystems and great trees that produce their seeds in cones. Deciduous Forests are home to organisms that live throughout balance seasons such as "having as much summers as winters, springs and falls." Tropical Rain Forests manly have summer seasons and rain seasons. It is warm all year long and the ecosystems living there never encountered snow before. Many unknown species live there.

How much rain falls in Russell falls each year?

1225 mm

How are tropical rain forests and temperate forest different?

There are two types of rain forests, tropical and temperate. Tropical rain forests are found closer to the equator where it is warm. Temperate rain forests are found near the cooler coastal areas further north or south of the equator. The tropical rain forest is a hot, moist biome where it rains all year long.

How much rain usaully falls in Southern Mesopotamia a year?

about 3 inches falls each year

About how much rain falls in a rain forest per year?

300 feet