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Q: What are formed where more snow falls then can melt?
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Why do glaciers form in certain areas?

Glaciers form whereever the snow that falls in a winter isn't able to melt completely during the summer before more snow falls. It eventually compresses into ice and accumulates.

What conditions must exist for a glacier to form?

Glaciers form in areas where more snow falls in winter than can melt during the summer.

How does snow fall of a mountain without nothing touching it?

more and more snow falls on it and the snow gets too much weight on it and falls

How are alluvia fans formed?

They are formed when water from rain or snow melt leaves mountain valleys and fans out the silt it carries with it.

How does a glacier grow?

A glacier forms in a place where snow builds up for years. The main thing is that it has to be in a place where the snow does not melt in the summer. After so long, the weight of the snow compresses and becomes as, and as long as more snow falls on top of that glacier, that is what happens..... ^.^ I hope this answer helped!

Does it snow in March at niagara falls?

Snow amounts in Niagara Falls vary in March. In early 2008, we in Niagara Falls were hit with about 2 feet (24-26") of snow. Usually by the end of March, snow begins to melt with the arrival of spring and tempratures start to rise into the upper 40s to low 50s.

How come snow doesn't melt quickly like hail?

The only reason is because hail usually falls in the summer when it's very warm. Snow falls when it is around freezing or much below.

Explein how a galcier is formed?

In the far north, the far south, and on mountain tops, it gets cold. It snows. In some places, it takes a long time for the snow to melt. Sometimes the snow does not melt during the summer. Instead, the snow stays there and the next years snow lands on top of the old snow. This creates a snow field. As time goes by, the snow field becomes more and more compressed. The snow field turns to ice. It turns into an ice field. Then, the ice field begins to flow in one or more directions. At that point it became a glacier.

What happens to snow if it falls though a layer of warm air?

some of it would defrost. then for every (umm) second that the snow is there another couple of thousand flakes melt.

How is ice formed?

Glacier is formed when the snow falls long time on the same spot; it's than compressed and creates a thick layer of snow. Years by years more snow falls, after the snow becomes thick enough it creates ice.

Where are glaciers most likely formed?

In areas of high altitude or high latitude. Predominantly upland areas.

What falls faster rain or snow from the sky?

Rain falls much faster than snow. Snow has much more air resistance than raindrops.