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The four possible results after Gram staining are Gram positive, Gram negative, Gram variable and Gram in-determinant.

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Q: What are four possible results of a gram stain?
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Why do all cells stain purple in the flagella stain but not in the gram stain?

The gram stain uses a decolorizing product so it is possible to differentiate between the gram and the gram cells. Gram positive cells stain purple in color.

Why is decolorizing the most crucial step?

It is possible to decolourise gram positive bacteria and thus get false results of all gram negative organisms. Similarly, it is possible to under-decolourise and get all gram positive organisms. Ideally controls of known organisms should be run with each stain.

What is determined of the Gram Stain?

A gram stain is a cow

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A negative result for the spores stain indicate that the gram-negative organism is present. A positive result for a spore stain indicates that a gram positive organism is present.

Theories of principle of gram stain reactions?

Gram stain

What is the gram stain for cholera?

Gram Negative

What is the gram stain results for an L. lactus bacteria?

Lactococcus Lactus is a gram positive bacteria and therefore retains the darker staining and therefore shows on a gram stain as dark blue/violet colour. This is because the thick peptidoglycan cell wall retains the primary crystal violet stain.

Can a Gram stain a prion?

Protists are often stained using a silver stain, not a Gram stain.

What is the gram stain of H5N1?

The Gram stain is used for bacteria and not for viruses.

What is the Gram stain for measles?

Bacteria stain either gram-positive or gram-negative based on the presence or absence of a cell wall. Viruses do not pick up a gram stain.

Who invented gram stain?

Hans Christian Gram invented this stain in 1884

What is the basic for gram stain results between different bacteria?

its the difference in cell wall of both the type of bacteria