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Q: What are four reasons people have a single family lifestyle?
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Is it better to have a townhouse or a single family home?

Most people prefer to live in a single family home. Single family homes also have better resale value.

What is the antonym of family?

single woman

Is being raised in a single-parent family the as same as two-parent family?

Well I was raised in a two parent home but to me absolutely not.The challenges and the lifestyle is very much different.

How many people can live in a single family home?

How many people can live in a single-family home will depend upon the number of bedrooms. It will also depend upon your local laws.

How does poverty occur with family's?

You might want to be more specific on your question. Do you mean single person, family, or country? There are many, many ways for poverty to occur, with single people and family's, it is mainly due to people spending money they don't have.

What is ment by suburban bliss?

Suburban Bliss refers to the tendency for people to follow a certain trajectory in their lives that has them moving from a single urban lifestyle to a suburban, married-with-children lifestyle. This type of lifestyle is sought by many and deemed extremely attractive and consistent with the "American Dream".

How are apartments less private than traditional single family homes?

Apartments are less private than traditional single family homes for many different reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that there is very little sound barriers, so when you are arguing or if you are moving around a lot your neighbors can hear you. Another reason is that there is always someone watching you come and go as you please.

What is a single-family house?

A single-family home is one that is not attached to another dwelling. An apartment or duplex for example are NOT single-family homes. It doesn't matter how many people, or how many families, may be living in the residence. A single-family home generally references a "stick built" home or one that is built upon a foundation as opposed to a mobile or manufactured home.

What is single family house?

A single-family home is one that is not attached to another dwelling. An apartment or duplex for example are NOT single-family homes. It doesn't matter how many people, or how many families, may be living in the residence. A single-family home generally references a "stick built" home or one that is built upon a foundation as opposed to a mobile or manufactured home.

What is residential land?

Residential land is a place where people build single- family homes, multiple family homes, and condos to live there.

What is considered a single family dwelling?

A single family dwelling is one designed to be occupied by a single family as opposed to, say, a condominium or apartment building which is expected to be occupied by two or more distinct families. The term refers to the building itself, not necessarily how it's used (some locations may have laws restricting the number of unrelated people who can live in a single family dwelling).

How does a woman who is a single parent in the army able to get discharged?

request discharge for compassionate reasons. (care for a family member) this could be verified by the American Red Cross