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Q: What are four types of surface features on the sun?
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What is the surface features of the sun?


What is the prominences of the sun?

The prominences of the sun are bright features that extend outward from its surface. These are anchored to the sun's surface in the photosphere, called the corona.

Features of the sun's surface?

Scientists have discovered many features of the sunâ??s surface. Some of these features include a rigid iron surface, sunspots, prominences, and solar flares.

How do the surface features of the sun affect earth?

heat i think

What are the four sun storm types?

the four types of sun stormes are prominences, solar flares, solar winds, and sunspots.

What are the surface features of sun?

Photosphere- outer (gaseous) layer or surface of sun that we see Faculae- bright areas Sunspots- dark areas

What features can be found on the surface of the sun?

solar flares, sun spots, and prominences

What are the major surface and atmospheric features of the sun?

Jevon springer suk dik

Three features found on or above the surface of the sun?

Sun spots on. Flares on and above. Solar wind above.

What are some surface features on Betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse is a red giant therefore its surface is of red color with some white sun spots.

What is responsible for the mottled appearance of the Sun's surface known as granulation?

The sun's surface has a mottled appearance, known as granulation, because of its convection currents. At any one time, about four million of these currents cover the sun's surface.

Describe three features found on or above the surface of the sun?

prominences,solar flares, sunspots